Anyone Have a Good “Beef Rice” Recipe? – IOTW Report

Anyone Have a Good “Beef Rice” Recipe?

Popular Science

But if you are skeptical at the thought of spoonfuls of synthetic meat-grain meals, fear not: Its makers swear their pinkish globules offer its consumers a “unique blend of aromas” including that “slight nuttiness and umami” usually associated with meat… or, at least, that’s what research lead Jinkee Hong swears.

“We tried it with various accompaniments and it pairs well with a range of dishes,” he relayed in a Wednesday profile at The Guardian. More

Get the hoi polloi eating beef rice and no one will notice when maggots are substituted in. -Dr. Tar

37 Comments on Anyone Have a Good “Beef Rice” Recipe?

  1. Between lab grown meat and Bugs.
    Decisions, decisions.

    If the NWO has it’s way cattle will be in Federally owned and protected Nature and Wildlife areas where the public can tour when on Vacation. Nature guides will show you what Americans ate until the PETA Act of 2085.
    You’ll eat lab grown meat and like it.

  2. We too use chicken bone broth in rice. Once a week a Costco rotisserie chicken has the meat pulled off and bones turned into broth. Rice in chicken broth is great. Doesn’t matter what kind of rice. Broth is the secret.

  3. @Wylie,

    You are correct sir. When making soup from scratch, start with broth, beef, chicken, or vegetable broth. I use Knorr’s vegetable broth. Very tasty. Once you get that going put in your veggies, meat, rice, tomato sauce, or whatever you want.

    The broth is the secret ingredient.

  4. Hey Doc Tar
    I think there’s a lot of readers here that like to cook, grill, smoke, bake, burn. You should talk to the head Furry guy about starting a recipe section. That would be fun. I personally have a ton of them and I know readers like Joe6 do too.

    Actually that would be really fun just do to the regional cooking habits.

  5. I second Brad’s recommendation. I’m not a trained chef but I make good food. Tonight for example, baked fresh Alaskan King Salmon (there is a troll caught fishery in the winter, and it’s a superior fish) and potatoes fried in duck fat. Good stuff!

  6. I have to reduce my bad cholesterol so for the past month I’ve been eating brown rice with tumeric and chicken broth, beans, etc. Right now I have “Italian Lentils” and I often cook dried beans in a pot. Lots of garlic and only a grass fed burger once or twice a week and then pretty small. Wild Salmon patties. Squash, potatoes, organic greens, etc. I am switching my dr. and I do not want any more meds!

  7. “Mt Big Green Egg Kamado smoker is looking for a few new recipes…”

    I have a big ass island out back with a gas grill. Which I never use. Well, that’s not true. It work well for slow rolling baby back ribbs for 4 hours.
    I also have an electric smoker. Birthday gift. When I smoke I go caveman and use a Webber with the ring of fire. Not only does it produce some pretty tasty food you get a great sense of accomplishment out of it. LOL. I’m thinking about pulling the trigger on an Egg this spring. We’ll be talking.
    It’s just the two of us at home. Me and the boss. The family biz is rather demanding right now. So I’m all about easy meals currently. I’ve actually been having lots of fun with the Crock Pot. A departure for me. But here’s one that’s turned into pure gold. My kids come over every Saturday Night hoping that’s what’s on the menu. Cast Iron skillet pizza. It’s an upside down deep dish pizza. Very simple, very tasty.

  8. dee
    “what else can I do”

    Fired your Doc. Quit taking their pills. I like your style. I’m fighting aging tooth and nail. Not big on the diet end. I can’t gain weight due to being radiated. But I do glow in the dark. lol. But I’m big on supplements, HRT, and training. If you think I can help, feel free to ask BFH for my contact info. I’ll throw you what I know. Another great permanent thread for IOTW.

  9. Brad, Look at the Kamado Joe as an alternative to the BGE. Better internal accessories. The key to controlling the temperature is to control the airflow. The Kamado Joe now has a model that controls the flow via a fan. Great meals with less fuss.

  10. I made my version last Sunday and been eatin it all week.

    Get ya about five or six pounds of pork butt and a couple bottles of Mexican Coca-cola. Cut the butt up into hunks and put some salt and black pepper on it and fry it in some lard in a cast iron Dutch oven. Not much lard, more comes out of the meat, but ya do need to start with some. Then when it is brown all over put it in a kettle or crock pot and put about a cup of lime juice and a cup of orange juice on it (or just cut about four oranges up in quarters and throw them peel and all) and like three or five bay leaves, plenty of garlic and cumin and oregano and a couple bottles of Coca-cola. Then you can put the kettle on the wood stove or the crock pot on high for a long time and only put the lid on until it starts bubbling, then take it off and leave it alone. When mostly all of the liquid is gone just let it cool down by putting it on the garage floor. Put the meat in gallon Zip-loc bags or maybe quart ones if you got no one much to feed later and put them in the refer or freezer. It don’t matter none, it freezes fine. Put the lard in a bottle and put some in a skillet, but most in the refer. Then ya mash and fries up a hunk of meat and steam up some tortilla or toast turtle rolls. Make ya some beans or black eyed peas that you soaked the day before while the meat is simmering and put in some garlic and onions and carrots and hunks of bacon and don’t use water, use chicken stock. Then put the beans in the kettle or crock pot and don’t wash it first so they get that flavor in them too.

    You can make a burrito if you got flour tortillas or tacos if ya got corn or a sandwich if you got turtle roll. Put it out with cheese the Mexicans use and sour cream and chopped up onions and salsa and nobody is going to give a shit if you don’t have some fucked up bullshit rice there anyway.

  11. If ya want rice with your meat and beans make it with chicken stock and Rotel. You make this on Sunday and you can make a good meal in less time than it takes to make a TV dinner the rest of the week. Shredded cabbage is good if you are going to make a burrito.

  12. @ B Q D Q C Q SATURDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 2024, 22:55 AT 10:55 PM

    Griswold and if anyone gets within ten feet of them with Dawn it is not going to be happy time . My cast iron and my solid copper sauce pans and kettle are strictly off limits to women and chillins. Good cast iron isn’t made any longer and copper sauce pans start at north of three Ben Franklins per copy.

  13. ^^^^^^

    I have one. Maybe. I got into the cast iron thing about two years ago. Googled how to season your cast iron skillet. The results were, Olive Oil, Peanut Oil, Grape Seed Oil, ETC. They never worked. Then one day I’m reading one of my fav gun blogs and up pops, “Having Problems Keeping Your Cast Iron Skillet Seasoned”. What did your mom use. Hmm, Crisco. So the next day I picked up some Crisco.
    Been using it from that seasoning for about a year. I cooked Bacon and Blueberry Pancakes on it this morning. Still slippery than snot on a door knob.

  14. I love to cook. “Real food” and cakes and candy. So much is not in recipe form though. For instance, sometimes I cook rice (always w/ unsalted chix stock) with cut up carrots and other veg. My kids used to love when I made “rice with stuff in it”/

    On this article, while reading all that kept running through my head were, “Soylent Green is people!” and the breakfast scene from “The Island”.

  15. @Brad

    Might want to consider a Medium Green egg if you don’t often cook for tons of people. They heat up way quicker and use way less coal. Use lump, as there are way less ashes, it goes out when you shut off the air, any coal left lights right back up. I can still smoke a 20 lb turkey, or a couple racks of ribs, probably need to use one of your bigger grills if you want to do a full-size brisket though. Also I get very busy and like a fast meal, sometimes I’ll get home late and get the lump coal barely lit with a garden torch, close the lid and leave the top an bottom vents wide open, nad run a little battery powered blow directly in the bottom vent;, in about 5-10 minutes the temperature is over 800 and flames shoot out the top like a blow torch. ready to do the best sear on a steak with a quickness

  16. Also if you want to see a bunch of different recipes and you belong to Instagram, search just one recipe sight and follow. They will overload you with suggestion. But I have gotten quite a few good recipes off there. I found a Beef Burgundy recipe that is pretty damn tasty.

  17. By the time I get home for access to recipes the comments will be closed.
    For me I only have one that I stand by and can remember to be able put here.

    First the diatribe…

    If you want to get into the smoke house I unfortunately can’t remember those off the top of my head. Those and my brine recipe are what no one has ever topped as they are basic that you can add you own special tweaking or additions to and give it your own ownership. The brine for smoking fish is perhaps my best where I used to do sixty to eighty pounds at a crack (Salmon, Lake & Brown Trout and believe it or not catfish to include flatheads in the twenty to fifty pound class [butchered to smaller pieces of course]). An old double door / latch handled refrigerator that I converted into a smokehouse. Finally disintegrated after a number decades of use and I bought one of those large (Oklahoma Joe’s I think) smokers used. Have yet to try it out and will crank it up this spring. Afraid of the results as it is different on how much can be done at once and the temp control will be new to me.

    Brad, if you wish I can send you the brine recipe…

    Do the one recipe on a post below as this is getting long and am required to do something now…

  18. Anymouse

    That would be great. If they end up creating a spot to share recipes I’ll drop them there for you. I love to cook. I think it’s a major distraction from the bull shit for me.

  19. Brad, If I don’t have a brain cramp I’ll send tomorrow…

    The one recipe I remember…

    Calls for one large goose breast and one of the slow cookers that will fit it laying flat horizontal, although maybe it would work standing up vertically.

    Used to have a fair number of geese killed during season and the “Nuisance Season” really made for lots of birds for the freezer. Only picked the first few birds for roasting and stuffing during the holidays as it is a major pain in the ass to do without one of those commercial pickers that I never would spend the money on. There was one that you could attach to drill that would spin the rubber fingers to do the job, but I digress. Anyway the remaining birds killed got breasted out while leaving the skin on (explain that later).

    Put a full layer of shallots on the bottom of the cooker (with some pearl onions mixed in if you wish). Season the breast with salt and pepper (I suppose you could add other seasoning to that also if you wish – I don’t). Make up a batch of creamed soup of your choice (I prefer mushroom). In making up the soup (heating/mixing) ahead instead of dumping it in cold you eliminate any of the lumps and jump start the cooking process. Pouring it into the slow cooker without washing the seasoning off the breast and disturbing the layer of shallots (SLOWLY). Filling the cooker, although the breast will float and that’s the reason you left the skin on. Keeps it from drying out and toughening up. Six to eight hours depending on the temp you choose.
    When you have it complete pull the skin off, slice and lay on a bed of wild rice covering with the gravy from the slow cooker. You can go on the cheap by doing half wild rice and half brown rice mixed together.

    Simple, Easy and can make a major pig of yourself when you chow down.

    Believe you could substitute any wild fowl… Most of what I do can have substitutions and it will usually work just as well.

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