Egypt is building a new walled buffer zone more than 2 miles wide on Gaza border – IOTW Report

Egypt is building a new walled buffer zone more than 2 miles wide on Gaza border

[…] Additional satellite imagery reviewed by CNN shows that bulldozers arrived on site on February 3, and the initial excavation of the buffer zone began on February 6. more

9 Comments on Egypt is building a new walled buffer zone more than 2 miles wide on Gaza border

  1. Quick! Das racisssss!
    Have Pedo Joe tell the E-gyp-tian Gooberment to tear it all down! Now!
    (said with tongue firmly planted in both cheeks)

  2. USA paying for the Egyptian wall? That would not surprise me. The Gazan’s will have no escape, except to you know where. The pressure from Israel from the north, Egypt from the south, and probably Jordan from to the east (doesn’t want Palestinians either) will squeeze Gaza like it’s a huge pimple. Nobody wants what comes out.

    Except, you guessed it. Yeah, the good old USA will take them in, put them up in nice hotel rooms, provide them with cell phones (to plot terror attacks?) and welfare. Everything free for them, but paid for by the hapless taxpayers.

    Think we could try to squeeze out of them a promise not to engage in terror attacks before we let them in? Would we even try? Not likely. That would be racist and exclusionary.


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