Financial Advice Columnist Hands $50,000 in a Shoe Box to a Complete Stranger – IOTW Report

Financial Advice Columnist Hands $50,000 in a Shoe Box to a Complete Stranger

The Cut

On a Tuesday evening this past October, I put $50,000 in cash in a shoe box, taped it shut as instructed, and carried it to the sidewalk in front of my apartment, my phone clasped to my ear. “Don’t let anyone hurt me,” I told the man on the line, feeling pathetic.

“You won’t be hurt,” he answered. “Just keep doing exactly as I say.”

Three minutes later, a white Mercedes SUV pulled up to the curb. “The back window will open,” said the man on the phone. “Do not look at the driver or talk to him. Put the box through the window, say ‘thank you,’ and go back inside.” More

14 Comments on Financial Advice Columnist Hands $50,000 in a Shoe Box to a Complete Stranger

  1. I keep getting text messages from some “credit agency” about a delinquent NJ turnpike toll. I haven’t been on the turnpike in years. I’m thinking “why would NJ forward a $6 toll bill to a credit agency?”. If they have my phone number they would also have my address. They never sent a paper bill. Then I realized a $6 hit on my credit report is no big deal since I’m an old man and don’t need a loan anyway.

  2. If all the morons in her life, tell her she is calm, cool and collected, it is not praise of her, it is condemnation of them. If you get a notification or a phone call claiming to be your bank, PayPal or Amazon, you review your accounts, then you call bank or the Company in question at their listed phone number. Only an idiot would accept phone numbers from an unsolicited and unconfirmed source.

  3. I first saw this on “Gutfeld” last night. They were all highly dubious about the story. If you go look it up the same writer follows up her tale with an article about how to avoid getting scammed. You have to subscribe however to read it. That’s a red flag.

  4. When the IRS tells you the cops are on the way and you need to run down to the Walgreens and get a bunch of gift cards and send them to –yada yada– you can assume it’s one hunnert percent legit. IRS got 84k new diversity (coloreds and gimps of all kinds) hires recently and the show is the shizzle now…

  5. Sheesh, she must need her eyes testing. You’d think she would have tripped over, or at least seen, one of those numerous red flags.

    If you want to see a picture of her, look up “a fool and his money are soon partied”.

  6. Jeez, how does someone fall for that. I’m at the point that I might have met that car with a box of shredded paper in one hand and a 45 in the other. There would be some satisfaction in putting a stop to that right then.


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