P(doom) – IOTW Report



According to a recent report, in Silicon Valley these days it’s not uncommon to be asked, even by a stranger, “What’s your probability of doom?” when discussing artificial intelligence. The progressive brainiacs of Silicon Valley have created a metric called “p(doom)” to define the chance AI destroys humanity. More

20 Comments on P(doom)

  1. If tyrants keep installing themselves in positions of power in order to “save democracy,” I give it a 100% change of progressive(doom) and they can sit back, shrug their shoulders and say, “It was the robots” while evading all consequences, same as today.

  2. “What’s your probability of doom?”

    If DJT doesn’t win this year, I’d say it is a smidgeon south of 100%. And by “doom” I mean a radical shift in the nations fabric; the economy, the value of the dollar, the judicial process, our civil liberties, even world war itself. Nothing is off the table for the amount of chaos that will ensue if a Democrat, any Democrat, wins the presidency this year.

  3. “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”
    -Frank Herbert, “Dune”

  4. If we keep pushing forward with the development of A.I., it’s probable that we (humanity) will lose control of the programming of said systems. Once that happens, it’s over.

    Hell, for all we know, the hourglass may have already been flipped. With that scenario in place, I only have one question….how much sand is left?

  5. Kyle Reese: “Skynet,” a computer program designed to automate missile defense. It was supposed to protect us, but that’s not what happened. August 29th, 1997, Skynet woke up. It decided all of humanity was a threat to its existence.
    [scenes of mass destruction]
    Kyle Reese: It used our own bombs against us. Three billion people died of nuclear fire.

  6. I put the probability of p(doom) due to AI robots at a very low percentage. We already have a significant number of humans – Democrat constituents come to mind – who will believe anything and undertake any act their elected officials say or tell them to do without question. Not much will change if the robots take over.

    No, the real war – and thus the increased probability – of p(doom) will come from the conflict between robots and reptilians. Reptilians like Zuckerberg and Hillary simply can’t stand to be told what to do by anyone, much less robots.

  7. Considering that a large part of the tech industry is led by some of the looniest far left socialist nut jobs around, (Gates, Zuckerburg, and their ilk,) I’d say the needle is in the red.

  8. The only thing worse than a complete annihilation of the US is when my last girdle breaks down and can’t get another. For me, we can pass off Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Instagram, the complete WWW, every demoncrat ever born, and every Rino. I just need a little help to keep my poor body from collapsing before my brain expires. I really would miss iotwreport.com

  9. I have a picture that needs painting
    Break Break
    I have a picture to paint
    From Memory
    Just Now

    It needs the canvas set
    I will describe the canvas set while setting up

    I hope other painters here can make it happen
    I will think . . .

  10. These Silicon Valley “Brainiacs” are Star Trek/Star Wars loonies. They have not left the childhood stage.

    I’d give them 3 seconds of my time, enough time to give them the finger and tell them to FO.

  11. Machines can’t, on their own, be creative. They can’t put together a scenario, a plan to dominate the world by killing humans by the millions as was portrayed in The Terminator. Humans would be controlling them and possibly seeding them with impulses that would result in a dystopian world. Some humans, the master of the AI robot would still, run the world.

    I really liked the Terminator movies, but it was fiction and anyone who thinks it could actually happen are nutcakes. Outside of fiction, the robots only do what they are programmed to do.

    I know GPT can weave stories – but you have to give it something to start with, a direction, a framework, an idea. They are not self-starting because they can’t create without help from humans.

    If there is to be a race of rogue AI machines, anything they destroy or people they enslave would be human directed. Such as by the WEF, which I view as being a potential prime mover behind any future AI depredations.


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