The Weirdest Endeavor – The Wizard of Oz Recut in Alphabetical Order – IOTW Report

The Weirdest Endeavor – The Wizard of Oz Recut in Alphabetical Order

When I say alphabetical order, it means the movie was been cut to one word at a time and in alphabetical order.


WTF knows?

Smoke that joint like it’s 1975 and watch it, I guess.

18 Comments on The Weirdest Endeavor – The Wizard of Oz Recut in Alphabetical Order

  1. Nestor of Laranda composed learned poetry on a variety of subjects in the tradition of Hellenistic poets like Nicander and Parthenius of Nicaea, but his magnum opus was perhaps the LIPOGRAMMATIC Iliad, a work which would have been a showpiece for his poetic virtuosity and knowledge of Homeric scholarship. Although his fame was great during his lifetime, little survives of Nestor’s poetry today.

    — A lipogram (from Ancient Greek: λειπογράμματος, leipográmmatos, “leaving out a letter”[citation needed]) is a kind of constrained writing or word game consisting of writing paragraphs or longer works in which a particular letter or group of letters is avoided.[1][2] Extended Ancient Greek texts avoiding the letter sigma are the earliest examples of lipograms.[3]

    Writing a lipogram may be a trivial task when avoiding uncommon letters like Z, J, Q, or X, but it is much more challenging to avoid common letters like E, T, or A in the English language, as the author must omit many ordinary words. Grammatically meaningful and smooth-flowing lipograms can be difficult to compose. Identifying lipograms can also be problematic, as there is always the possibility that a given piece of writing in any language may be unintentionally lipogrammatic. For example, Poe’s poem The Raven contains no Z, but there is no evidence that this was intentional.

    A pangrammatic lipogram is a text that uses every letter of the alphabet except one. For example, “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog” omits the letter S, which the usual pangram includes by using the word jumps.

    —Nestor of Laranda (Νέστωρ Λαρανδεύς), was a Greek poet who lived during the late-second and early-third centuries AD.


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