Christian Nationalism is Left-Wing Alinsky Tactics – IOTW Report

Christian Nationalism is Left-Wing Alinsky Tactics

I never heard of it or anyone “in it,” and I don’t know what it is. But Democrats who claim to be Christian should call out their comrades because it is a slur against Christianity. (And yes, I know that they won’t, mainly because they most likely are not Christians. They just claim to be for the votes they might garner.)

12 Comments on Christian Nationalism is Left-Wing Alinsky Tactics

  1. I saw a video today that had some talking head saying Christian Nationalists are not like just Christians. She said Christian Nationalists are dangerous because they (we) don’t believe rights come from govt or any earthly place but that our rights come from God.

    Oh horrors!
    Of course no one asked her what she thinks about the Declaration and Constitution saying our rights come from God.

  2. I’m sure they exist, maybe, (genuine Christians who love God and their country and still vote Democrat), I just don’t know of any in my sphere.

    I’ve read about Christians, again, don’t know any, who are turned off by Trump, for all the enumerated reasons, and will go the other way. But, if pushed to the position of what is really good for America, who is more apt to preserve our sacred institutions, it’s character, it’s goodness, and the rule of law, then their arguments fail.

    “White Nationalists” is this year’s version of Russian Collusion.

  3. @Rich – although Russian Collusion suggested only that Trump was compromised; ‘Christian Nationalism’ suggests that everyone who votes for him is somehow bad.

    What do you expect from MSDNC? They know that 100% of what they say is lies – but they also know that their devotees don’t look elsewhere for corroboration.

  4. The FBI is no doubt assembling vanloads of strawmen to assemble in public and cosplay Christian for the media’s benefit. Probably assembling the tiki torch crosses in select FBI field offices right now.

    I would say, “You can’t make this shit up”, but they really can make this shit up.

  5. This is definitely a no shit Sherlock revelation. Calling yourself a Christian and voting for democraps are totally polar opposites and one hell of a contradiction in terms and one giant oxymoron that makes no sense. How can I as a Christian vote for someone who doesn’t represent Godly or American values that are totally opposed in all areas to what I believe as a Christian. I was snookered by Jimmy Carter twice and I refuse to do it again just because they say they’re Christians when clearly they’re not.

  6. Can’t be a Christian and adhere to that particular brand of Satanism as practiced by the Demonrats.
    Christianity is irreconcilable with perversion, hate, pedophilia, child-sacrifice, deceit, theft, money-laundering and all the other shit initiated by and associated with the Demonrat Party.

    It doesn’t take a Theologian to understand that.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I trust the Babylon Bee more than the lamestream leftist media to get it right. Today’s 2-24 Babylon Bee has the headline and the story that reads, “Get a load of these insane Christian nationalists who believed rights come from God and not the government.” I refuse to believe the leftist bs on anything and everything that they say is true which is totally contrary to everything that I ever learned in my 71 years of existence. They are nothing but evil nogoodniks bent on destroying America as it was founded and totally erasing and rewriting our American history to their ungodly pagan evil worldview which will destroy us all and who we are as Americans. And they haven’t learned a damned thing from the Russians who suffered thru 70 years of hell from 1919-1989 when they forgot God and declared the communist state under Lenin and Stalin to be god.


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