Harvard’s plagiarism crisis is spinning out of control – IOTW Report

Harvard’s plagiarism crisis is spinning out of control

Christopher F. Rufo


I’ve obtained documents alleging that Harvard DEI administrator Shirley Greene plagiarized more than 40 passages in her PhD thesis, making her the third black woman at Harvard to be accused of academic fraud. more

21 Comments on Harvard’s plagiarism crisis is spinning out of control

  1. Headline should be: “Perpetual Victim learns how to use other people’s work at institution of higher “learning””

    Haverd should advertise “Learn to use other people’s work while using other people’s money!”

  2. I feel sorry for the black Harvard graduates that actually earned their degree through hard work and intelligence. They should be the first group that would want to out these DEI phonies. But this is the world that the libs created, a world where every credentialed minority is suspect, and it’s a real shame.

  3. These are the Doctors of Truth
    These are the Truth Doctors

    THEY rewrite History
    Right in front of your Eyes
    This is how they do it

    And then THEY have Paper I Love Me Walls
    For all the Degrees
    To Prove how smart they are as they sound dumb as a rock
    Because it is all based on LIES

    You know it, inside.
    Just Admit IT.

    Lawyers are Doctors too

    See how that works?
    Lies and Lies and More Lies.

    A foundation built on lies, crumbles down eventually

  4. Rich Taylor – It would be NICE if ALL blacks with REAL talent and capabilities would condemn ALL anti-white racism/discrimination because of how it is hurting THEM, but sadly too many want to go along to get along, and I suspect a fair number simply are unsure themselves as to whether or not they are actually capable or if it has ALL been a lie about them too. I mean students are NEVER encouraged to measure themselves, but are merely taught to defer to those who seek to measure them externally (standardized tests, grades, etc.).

  5. Allowing the barenaked FRAUD that is Fauxahontas to stand uncorrected tainted Harvard irreparably.
    How much other fraud and deceit festers there is discussion for anyone who cares at all about that formerly great institution.

  6. I don’t believe that Harvard’s motto Veritas means Truth anymore. Harvard, America’s first university lost the real meaning of truth sometime in early 1900’s when it became more and more secularized until now where truth has become whatever that the left says it is and has become meaningless and useless.

  7. The media and The Party has been aware of this since the 1960’s. If I was aware, just by recognizing that there was a pattern to the circumstantial evidence, Ada ten year old…. They knew.

    They don’t recognize that as a crisis at all. That they recognize as a crisis is that their losing control of the narrative is spinning out of control. Most Americans recognize that as a blessing.

    What they are about to find out is once their usefulness to The Party evaporates, they better learn to code.

  8. @ Deceit Foundations SUNDAY, 25 FEBRUARY 2024, 12:16 AT 12:16 PM

    “A foundation built on lies, crumbles down eventually”

    The amount of truth that comes from government has shrunk to insignificance now. Most everything at all levels is a lie. The reason that is is that so many people are willing to go along with the moral rot because they think the government will steal money or opportunities from someone else and use it to benefit them.

  9. My graduating class at The University of Oklahoma in 1978, 3 blacks among the 3500 Whites, Arabs and Asians. even the football players couldn’t bribe their way to a degree

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