And She’s Outta There! – IOTW Report

And She’s Outta There!

NBC News

Ronna McDaniel said Monday that she will step down next month [March 8th] as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee following former President Donald Trump’s endorsement of a new slate of leaders to direct the party. More

16 Comments on And She’s Outta There!

  1. McCarthy was on FOX
    He was all “Yay Team”
    We can win this for America
    He admitted two or three other staffers may go with her.

    McCarthy says he is all Trump 2024
    Nikki and he will have to meet
    Kochs are gone
    No Ukraine funds in the forecast

    And wait’ll you hear about msNBC

  2. Of course she had to go, but a party’s success or failure rest squarely on the quality of it’s candidates, running folks like Blake Masters, Mehmet Oz, Eric Greitens, and Herschel Walker is not going to get it done.

    Folks don’t vote GOP based on who The Chair is, but the right person in that position, one that inspires confidence, can fund raise, get out the vote, and one that has the political acumen to read districts and judiciously spend money in the right places, they can greatly facilitate the success on the party.

  3. Meh. If Uncle Delicto, Yertle the Traitor, Chickenhawk Lindsey et al enemies to the People got miffed and left with their debutante loser, that’d be something to crow about.

    Until all the GOPes PROVE themselves, the Party still smells like kaka.

  4. Ronna’s employment history.

    McDaniel worked for SRCP Media as a production manager.
    McDaniel worked in Michigan for her uncle Mitt’s 2012 campaign for President of the United States.

    That’s it. No other employment history.
    I said she was under qualified from the beginning.
    I think that might be one of the figure head positions that don’t really accomplish shit.

  5. She spent a lot of dough improving the visage but her work product was thoroughly neglected… kind of PAR for the Republican Party…. Maybe we shape up sone now? Huh? Huh?

    A herd led by a mare is bound for destruction.

    Pointed look at Miss Lindsey…


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