Biden Suggests Israel-Hamas Deal Is Imminent. Nobody Seems To Know What He’s Talking About. – IOTW Report

Biden Suggests Israel-Hamas Deal Is Imminent. Nobody Seems To Know What He’s Talking About.

WFB: After President Joe Biden on Monday suggested that a ceasefire deal in the war between Israel and Hamas was imminent, several parties in the negotiations appeared to cast doubt on his comment.

“My national security adviser tells me that we’re close,” Biden told reporters in New York. “We’re close. We’re not done yet. My hope is by next Monday we’ll have a ceasefire.”

Representatives from Hamas, Israel, and mediator Qatar, however, all reportedly said that his optimism was exaggerated. more

14 Comments on Biden Suggests Israel-Hamas Deal Is Imminent. Nobody Seems To Know What He’s Talking About.

  1. Just because……
    “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”
    Brock Chisholm
    1st Director-General of World Health Organization
    In office 1948–1953

  2. They’re attempting to use the seat of the most powerful person in the world in order to create the desired outcome.

    They, however, don’t seem to realize that the currently installed idiot-in-chief completely eliminated any power that seat used to represent.

  3. Biden has been wrong on every Foreign policy issue his entire career
    Biden’s proposal with Austin’s approval will force Israel to retreat (surrender), leave all their tanks, trucks and all weapons for Hamas to use against Israel.


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