Trump Could Initiate Mass Deportation Strategy on Day One of Presidency if Elected, Immigration Expert Says – IOTW Report

Trump Could Initiate Mass Deportation Strategy on Day One of Presidency if Elected, Immigration Expert Says

“But we have to remember, and we know this from past experience, that when the federal government starts actually enforcing immigration law, people get the message.”

13 Comments on Trump Could Initiate Mass Deportation Strategy on Day One of Presidency if Elected, Immigration Expert Says

  1. did we grant due process at Normandy, or the South Pacific, or the Concord bridge. this is a counter-offensove to an invasion of war. hanging odinga Biden Soros shumer Schwab et al comes after the tribunal

  2. if they simply stopped the flow of money to the ngo’s, the states via snap/EBT/other grants used for illegal aliens support, and informed businesses and landlords that violations of law will be rabidly enforced, this problem quickly resolves inside 6 months. I’d prefer a no bag limit hunting season on traffickers be they ngo, or otherwise, but shutting off funds does wonders.

  3. Their plan is to break the system. The schools have 100 different languages that they can’t deal with and overflowing with illegals. The hospitals can’t handle the influx of the illegals. Good luck getting help there. Have you seen the DMV lately? Six hour wait because people from all over the world getting their IDs, future voters.

  4. If Trump gets the win , pedo joe will do an executive order before he leaves office giving citizenship to all ILLEGALS in country , and the scrotum court will not hear it because no standing , too late to file , too early to file ,TRUMP’S a mean person ,etc ,etc ,etc .

  5. I still see Barasso and other RINOs promising ” a full repeal of obozocare on Trump’s desk for him to sign” even before he was inaugurated !!

    Why is Trump the ONLY one who’s making this statement?! And what happens if they do stop Trump?


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