Apple Exits the Electric Car Business – IOTW Report

Apple Exits the Electric Car Business

Tech Crunch

The decision to kill the project comes at a time when major automakers are reevaluating their investments in electric vehicles, and amid increased scrutiny on autonomous vehicle projects. Apple’s entry into the automotive sector was also seen as a possible boon to its bottom line, giving it a new source of revenue to help bolster against stagnating hardware sales and regulatory threats to its services business. Apple declined to comment. More

23 Comments on Apple Exits the Electric Car Business

  1. I never did and never will enter the electric car market, that technology 50 years out. Their just now perfecting the internal combustion engine. Plus the more idiot politicians push them the more determined I will be to avoid them.

  2. Personally I would be terrified to be in a self driving car. I live in the country with windy roads, lots of hills, massive farm equipment and deer herds that dash out of nowhere. It’s not gonna happen. Ever.
    Enjoy yourselves city slickers.

  3. I’ll stick with my ’73 Beetle, and those idiots can let the computers kill them.

    I’ve worked in ‘puters, communications, electronics, and automobiles all my life and there is NO way I’d buy one.

  4. The whole EV thing is simply ludicrous (NO, 50 cent!) but really there are some different versions of the word there, their, they’re….. just saying.

  5. How will my self driving car deal with the weekend warriors that emerge from the city and swarm my idyllic country roads every weekend? Sometimes three abreast. I’ll bet @jpm is one of them in his cute little bicycle pants.

  6. “Tesla is months away” Yep, they’ve been months away since 2018. First they gotta get it to stop running over model children and plowing into barriers at full speed during certain sun angles.

    I’ll put that FSD crap up against a human (at least me) anytime of day or night when it comes to other vehicles on the road that threaten my life. No FSD has the capability of reacting appropriately nor will it for a long way out and even then I won’t trust it. You keep shilling those electric vehicles though jpm. I’ll never understand why someone wants a robot to drive them around and be like every other goof on the road.

  7. Worked on GM assembly robots and had to cage them when working on them. Good luck caging your spin looped vehicle when driving at 70 mph and it goes bat chit crazy.

  8. Stand Ups
    IT was the visual image of a 15 Minute New York Uber Creep with a 2 Hour charge time in between pickups and deliveries within the pre-allocated 15 Minute City Windows and Deli’s

  9. Apple tried to get into the automotive industry. I really didn’t know that.

    Since Apple deemed it not a profitable industry for a computer software manufacturer, I would advise them to keep trying. The company could hit paydirt with any of the following industries:

    Belt and Suspenders – with people getting fatter and fatter, bigger belts and suspenders will be needed. A fortune awaits a company smart enough to get in on the ground floor.

    Ice Cream cone makers – Sniffer Joe is making the single Ice Cream cones popular again. Get in this industry while its hot.

    Bicycles and tricycles (Human Powered) – when electric cars die, folks have to have a backup means of transportation. There be gold in them there hills, Apple.

    Queer Strength Laxatives (this should be an attractive opportunity for Apple’s CEO) – For when the old stool gets pushed way up there….enough said.

    Board Games – who wants to wrangle with a computer game after 8-9 hours in front of a computer at work? Bring back Parchesi, Clue, Snakes and Ladders, etc. The old family board games. Bingo too. Buy up the rights to these old but popular games and make a fortune. The shareholders will love Apple again.

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