“Just Ass” Jackson Says Bump Stocks Allow 800 Bullets Per Second to Be Fired – IOTW Report

“Just Ass” Jackson Says Bump Stocks Allow 800 Bullets Per Second to Be Fired

This is equivalent to a judge saying there are 75,000 abortions a day in the U.S.

ht/ joe 6 pack

35 Comments on “Just Ass” Jackson Says Bump Stocks Allow 800 Bullets Per Second to Be Fired

  1. Well if she’s said it twice it’s only half true. If she says it four times, it’s a fact and they way the media will report it.
    I wonder if she knows you can accomplish the same effect by hooking your thumb in your belt loop and let the gun bounce off your trigger finger on recoil? Just about as accurate too.

  2. Joe
    It would be glowing red in about a tenth of a second. It would cease to exist in about two tenths. A 30round mag would be empty literally in a millisecond. You don’t need to be a gun smith to realize how stupid this shit is. Does she believe it? I don’t think so. She’s just trying to scare the libs.

  3. My inclination is that if you have multiple bullets, or even two bullets, traveling in the barrel concurrently that the barrel would rupture due to the area for the expanding gas from the previous shot to occupy being reduced by the following bullet. Barrels generally taper from breech to muzzle because the increase in area results in a pressure drop. If my memory serves me pressure is highest at the throat.

  4. Automatic weapons are always classified by rounds per minute.
    Her definition would make a bumpstock equipped weapon capable of 48,000 rounds per minute.
    We could have won WW2 in an hour with one of those I’m guessing.

  5. “This is equivalent to a judge saying there are 75,000 abortions a day in the U.S.”

    I don’t know the actual number, or where that quote comes from, but thats a horrible equivalence.

  6. If that were remotely true every gangstah in Ghettoland would have one.
    And every Army on Earth would be issuing them – as well as every Police Force on Earth.
    (Hell, I’d buy one!)

    A guy at work told me you get the same “bump stock” effect using your belt loop – you don’t have to buy shit – and, of course, 800 rps is absurd.

    *SIGH* Another example of the results of Affirmative Action.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It’s not just Affirmative Action. They spout nonsense statistics to frightening low information voters, of which there are many because they’ve destroyed the education system and the media.

    They use a Black face so no one dares challenge the nonsense, lest they be called racist.

    And this makes it seen to the masses that it’s not challenged because it’s an inarguable fact.

    Don’t underestimate the Communists. They may be evil but they are not stupid.

    They may use stupid people, but they can be very effective weapons in the right place.

    Such as the Supreme Court and the White House.

    Also, stupid brooks no challenge. Once a belief is installed in a stupid, they will NEVER back away from it, lest they have to ADMIT the stupid.

    And they have millions upon millions of stupid to back them up.

    “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups”, it is said.

    But with a leader in front of them, they become an unstoppable force.

    The lemmings will run off the cliff without hesitation.

    All your Communist masters need do is force your back to a cliff then drive them towards you.

    That way, they rid themselves of two problems at once…


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