Mitch McConnell To Step Down as Senate Minority Leader – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell To Step Down as Senate Minority Leader


26 Comments on Mitch McConnell To Step Down as Senate Minority Leader

  1. At least he’s stepping down, unlike the disingenuous rat-bastards on the other side!!
    Jackass Joe Biden (grinning imbecile, Kiddy-Sniffer, Liar, Thief and Crook)
    Einstein Feinstein (Fell off her perch while in office)
    Ruth Ginsburg (Fell off her perch while in office)
    Say goodnight Gracie Napolitano
    Eleanor (Ed) Norton (still avenging the sewers of DC)
    Hal Rogers
    Bill Rascal Pascrell Jr.
    Gasoline Maxine Waters
    Steny Hoi Paloi Hoyer
    James Sly Clyburn
    Danny Kay Davis
    Bernie Commie Sanders
    FredeReeka Wilson
    Anna Eshoo (God Bless you)
    Rosa Nutz DeLauro

  2. The dirty motherfucker has just confirmed that the Gravy Train has derailed short of the One Stop Money Laundering Shop and the gold rush is over. He got his and with no way to launder the old bastard’s usual and accustomed percent… he’s gettin while the gettin’s good.

    Look for more of them to join the stampede

  3. Mitch still controls the Senate Campaign Funds, he’ll support liberal GOP candidates and work against conservatives.

    McCONnell is still poking us in the eye as he holds the campaign purse strings through the elections.

  4. The CCP made their move in Texas 2 weeks ago when Mitch’s Chinese sister-in-law *CHECKS NOTES* drove her vehicle into a lake.
    Now, he “steps down” in 9 months. Wonder what kind of baby he’s gonna deliver in November?
    These corrupt bastards need to go!

  5. A “COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIVE” LIE! Degenerate IS NOT STEPPING DOWN. HE MAY – FOR EMPHASI -MAY – step down in 10 months! AllBush Republicans are conniving, leftist, liars!
    Read carefully what this leftist weasel said.

    Son of a whore did not say he was stepping down!
    He has been a UNIPARTY, “Bush Republican” scoundrel for decades! Still is!



  6. “As the partridge hath hatched eggs which she did not lay: so is he that hath gathered riches, and not by right: in the midst of his days he shall leave them, and in his latter end he shall be a fool.”
    (Jeremias 17:11)

    Fits Biden, Pelosi, and Clinton, too, as well as a host of others.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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