Swamp Potion #9 – IOTW Report

Swamp Potion #9

Dose number NINE: CDC panel green lights yet another Covid mRNA shot.

For the Americans out there who remain true to the CDC’s vaccine recommendation schedule, you’ll be heading over to your local clinic in the coming weeks for another dose of Pfizer or Moderna’s mRNA Covid gene serum.

21 Comments on Swamp Potion #9

  1. Yeah, I trust the CDC like I trust Fauci. Like I trust Biden. Like I trust Obama. Like I trust Harris. Like I trust the NY Times. It’s so sad that corrupt fascists have destroyed every American institution. Every single one.

  2. What they’ve done here is target the weak. The elderly, the physically handicapped, the mentally impaired. Why do I say that. Because those are the people I see still wearing masks. You can bet your ass if they’re still wearing masks they’re still getting pumped full of poison. Klaus Schwabby gets a little woody every time someones given the kill shot. Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissenger’s protege. That explains a lot really. Self appointed rulers over us surfs. Klaus Schwab is big on his soul being transferred to AI. He’ll live forever. The ugly bitch has never had a woman. So the lack of the human touch won’t bother him much. AI is also an escape for him. He knows what he’s done. Yet he persists. I’m hoping Chuck gets caught just like Hitler. But this time hung on World Wide TV.

  3. To be fair it hasn’t killed everyone that’s taken it, so go ahead give it another go.
    It’s the Swiss Army knife of death and destruction.
    I see stupid people.

  4. I work in IT and am always surprised when the idiots advertise about taking the jab. Most are liberal weenies so i suppose it makes sense.

    Most are really good engineers though, so you’d think they’d see through this shit.

    Brainwashed to put it mildly…

  5. Well guys, I officially am scared of the coof all of the sudden. The TeeVee and 4 out of 5 doctors told me. I aged into having to take it since I’m older and wiser now. I’m going in for the initial 2 dose shot and 9 boosters. I’ll be invincible. Bringing my own band aids incase they don’t have enough. Also bought a 100 pack of masks that should last almost two weeks. 75% chance of NOT getting VAIDS, I’ll take those odds any day, much better than casino odds, but hey you gotta die of something, right? Might as well make it for a good cause by doing the right thing, someone said it’s what Jesus wants me to do. Besides it’ll help out Pfizer, their exec only got billions more in bonuses over last year and they need to eat too. Or maybe I’ll get half Pfizer and half Moderna to spread the joy around, my doctor will tell me what’s best for the executives. Can’t refute sound logic and good choices especially when it comes to health decisions.

  6. I was “retired” before coof, so there were no peregrinations there. But my wife was in the thick of it. She was one of the first to say, “We don’t take experimental anything.”

    I might be a replicant.

    Have any of you taken a Voight-Kampff test?

  7. Get ready for the Faucis and Brixes who cried wolf to cry it again:

    “Disease X is coming. The WHO has told us, our federal government has told us, we are spending money planning it… it’s just happening. Given the continued funding for gain of function work I believe Disease X will be a laboratory created virus just like COVID (I’m not arguing this here – feel free to refer to our lawsuit against EcoHealth Alliance, the Senate and House findings, Fauci’s FOIA’d emails, and the endless other reports demonstrating this to be truth). Given the fact that Disease X seems to be inevitable, the question becomes what happens then.”

  8. On nextdoor for our local area, there is a woman asking if anyone can recommend a doctor in the area that does not require masks. She showed up for her appointment with the doc she had been seeing and was told she needed to wear a mask so she told them she was done with them.

    I admire her. I too told my doctor’s staff that I wouldn’t wear a mask a year and a half ago and I got fired. I was told that the doctor would no longer see me.

    The indoctrinated are tearing into her on nextdoor. To see the blatant ignorance on display is almost mind boggling. One person pointed out how small a virus particle is and how it can pass right through a mask but that hasn’t deterred the brainwashed. Some arguing for mask wearing are identifying themselves as being nurses!

    I lost what little confidence I had with the medical behemoth a long time ago, so I read those threads as a form of entertainment.

  9. I know someone, middle aged, smart guy, that refuses to believe any of the information pouring out now from around the world about the deadly harm the vax has caused and is causing. 93% of previously vaxxed have seen these studies & info and aren’t getting this season’s mRNA offering.

    He’s one of 7% that likes playing Russian Roulette with 4 loaded chambers.

  10. Trouble behind, trouble ahead, it’ll all be our fault because we didn’t wear a mask and take another booster.
    They need another shut down, and the only people that will be allowed not to wear a mask are the protesters / rioters and the illegals.
    Something has got to give?

  11. Bob,
    “Pollen”…..now for THAT, I can see wearing a mask.


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