Doritos Spain Takes a Dip into Transgenderism – IOTW Report

Doritos Spain Takes a Dip into Transgenderism


Doritos Spain faces backlash on Monday as news of the company announcing transgender artist Samantha Hudson as a brand ambassador of Spain sparked outrage over Hudson’s previous tweets involving a 12-year-old…

…Over the weekend Doritos Spain, which falls under PepsiCo Spain’s branch of products, announced Hudson as a brand ambassador for the products including her in a 50-second promo called “Crunch Talks.” More

19 Comments on Doritos Spain Takes a Dip into Transgenderism

  1. Came across article elsewhere that due to backlash it’s been fired.

    Totally beside the point. They hired it and only because of backlash was it fired. Not their first foray into controversial decisions as many may remember the rainbow bags and previous support of deviate lifestyles. Boycott needs to continue and remember it’s a Pepsi product as is KFC, Taco Bell and many other products that are bad for your health.

  2. I was morbidly curious about what Sam looks like. The Newsweek article has no photo (incompetent “journalism”). I did a DDG image search and found out. Don’t waste your time. Sam is ugly but unremarkably so.

    p.s. My interest in Doritos started out at zero so it can’t get any lower.

  3. Another Dylan Mulvaney……the companies never learn from the disasters of others, do they.
    Every company, every generation, needs to re-learn the lessons of “The Gods of the Copybook Headings” (Rudyard Kipling)

    As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
    There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
    That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;

    And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!

  4. It’s truly disgusting how these companies are embracing the evil that is overcoming our country. It won’t be long before there is nothing left to boycott.

  5. Nobody wants to see the freakshow. I enjoy watching Ridiculousness. The last couple of episodes have featured freaks from Rue Paul’s show, obviously because it needs a ratings boost. They did the same with folks from the Jersey Shore new shows. I just deleted the recordings and didn’t watch a one. If I want to see men pretending to be women, I can turn on a State Department briefing on CNN or watch NCAA swimming. I do not wish to watch any of that. How is it hard to understand that 0.5% of the population does not deserve even ONE SECOND of air time?

  6. I haven’t purchased nor eaten a Doritos in years. Not because of anything specific, just trying to cut out useless carbs. If I ever yearn for one, I think I’ll pass.

  7. The Liberty Daily links to an article in Human Events. There’s a screen shot from Sam’s X page where it says, “Quiero hacer cosas gamberras, como meterme con una niña de doce años por el ojete.”

    Translation: “I want to do thuggish things, like f*ck a twelve-year-old girl in the *ss.”

    I wish I were making this up. I’m not.

  8. Instead of spending all that money on dresses & makeup (a LOT of makeup) it should have spent some dinero getting those ugly-ass chompers fixed. I bet even the Doritos are scared!


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