Biden Campaign as Delusional as Their Candidate – IOTW Report

Biden Campaign as Delusional as Their Candidate


Former President Donald Trump’s spectacular series of wins in Super Tuesday primaries were airily dismissed by Biden campaign officials on Wednesday.

The Democratic Party operatives instead chose to deny the evidence and label him a vulnerable general election candidate even as he charges to a third Republican nomination.

Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon and campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez set out their claim in a memo shared with reporters, the Hill reports. The pair said:

The results of last night’s Super Tuesday contests cemented what we have known for some time now: Donald Trump limps into the general election as a wounded, dangerous and unpopular candidate.

The Republican nominee is cash-strapped, beleaguered by a host of external issues, and is running on an extreme agenda that is already proving to be a significant liability for key voting blocs that are critical to the pathway to 270 electoral votes.


13 Comments on Biden Campaign as Delusional as Their Candidate

  1. I am going to find out more about this tonight and this afternoon at 5 O’clock when Jesse Watters is on before the 8PM Jesse Watters Prime Time Address prior to the State of the Union tonight, at 8PM and again at later times depending upon your time zones so we will probably remind you of this then too that Jesse Watters Prime Time Live is on, or on again.

    See you then

  2. biden* was sleeping last night when the results came in.
    They couldn’t even trot the cadaver out long enough to take a victory lap in all his “wins.”

    Trump likely stayed up to watch the sun rise in Mar-a-Lago.
    (His tiny 18 million dollar* property)

  3. THEY WANT TRUMP TO WIN. Then when all hell breaks loose from the INVADERS they can blame it all on him and over throw him. They’ve war-gamed it to perfection just like the coup.

  4. ^^^^^^
    Right idea wrong timing. It will happen before the election. Why would they give up their current infrastructure and control? Plus if Trumps commander and chief he can call in the military. Or what’s left of it.

  5. “… and unpopular candidate.” How can he be an “unpopular candidate” when he won almost all Sooper Tooseday primaries? It reminds me of Rachel Madcow saying:”the majority of America doesn’t want Trump to run”, yet he wins the primaries AND kicks Biden’s butt in the polls.

  6. It’s not a delusion, it’s a long con.
    The long con is required to reinforce the 100 million votes that will be fabricated for Biden or his replacement this coming November.

  7. If someone wanted to be a DICK
    At the Sate of the Union

    {Which, btw, prediction in advance, is going to be a Clinton SNL Style Snooze Fest. He’s gonna Bore Ya To Sleep yer fears away}

    Back to Dick Pranks . . .

    During one of the moments of silence and bowed heads in thoughts and prayers, which Dick Predicts TM, will happen multiple times. During one of these . . .

    Someone with an Apple
    Blast Out

    “We Didn’t Start The FIRE”


  8. Loco

    They say that shit for two reasons. Their base of Zombies buys into it, and it pisses guys like you and me off. So I choose to ignore it. I’m much happier that way.

  9. “…cash-strapped, beleaguered by a host of external issues…”

    As if Creep Engoroon’s speed trap fines are cramping PDT’s campaign style. And maybe the journos haven’t noticed, but all the penny-ante lawfare bullshit is either blowing back on their goons, being shot down by SCOTUS or running out of time.

    The show trials have gotten so toxic and demoralizing for them that they avoid mentioning them specifically. When you have to resort to a vague, mealy-mouthed phrase like “external issues”, your narrative sword has become a butter knife.

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