Never Trust a Vermont Republican – IOTW Report

Never Trust a Vermont Republican

Nikki Haley will suspend her campaign and leave Donald Trump as the last major Republican candidate.

15 Comments on Never Trust a Vermont Republican

  1. I lived in New Hampshire back in the 80’s, nothing has changed. I said back then, that a republican in Vermont is really a democrat, a democrat in Vermont is really a socialist, and a socialist in Vermont is really a communist.

  2. Vermont republicans would be democrats anywhere south of NY, but it was the democrats voting in the VT open primary that gave Haley the win. And even then, only by a super slim margin.

  3. Seems good and clear what Haley was up to. Hold Trump off RNC money as long as possible and put up a front as a credible replacement-last opponent standing- if Trump is assassinated along the way.

    A small twofer for whomever really runs the show.

  4. I’ll concur that this was most likely the result of crossover voting, and rabid libs from NY voting where they shouldn’t. In a week or so we might have data to bounce off last two presidential primaries, say look at the D/R split vs last two elections.

    Here in Wa-Wa land, Presidential primary, with party affiliation, is March, and the rest of the offices’ primaries are in August. This pretty much assures no blowback on cross-over activities.


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