My Mind’s Going Blank, Now – IOTW Report

My Mind’s Going Blank, Now

27 Comments on My Mind’s Going Blank, Now

  1. It’s just not funny anymore. This scumbag is a traitor of historic proportions and has sold out our nation to the point of generational damage – IF that damage can be undone even after generations. Secession is coming because martial law is coming, because the ARMY of illegals Biden has broubght into the country will cause anarchy that can only be stopped by martial law.

  2. Cocksmoke. I’m gonna buy a nice bottle of Dom when that fuckstick drops dead. And a 12 dollar cigar. Or two. And have that bottle of shitty bubbly wine and cigar with my Dad.

  3. The only reason this coup continues to exist is because of the non partial media. Yea right. I’ve typed here numerous times I expect no election. Either way, if we’re lucky enough to assume control through the vote, or if we need to take it by force, Constitutional changes need to be made to establish what a free and fair press is. And there needs to be penalties.

  4. The BEST joetardo?

    These motherfuckers.

    “Every day the bucket goes to the well, but one day the bottom will drop out…”

    I’m splitting infinitives, or some other shit. But the truth is these motherfuckers are retards.

  5. Joe Scarborough and the rest of bidumbs media acolytes are bigger morons than joey is for believing all the bs that emanates from joey’s lying lips. And hollyweirdos like Babs Streisand etc. are worse in their praise of the idiot in chief. I thought that she and a lot of the other progtards were supposed to have left the country by now to live in exile somewhere that they think might be better than America. Good luck with that, utopia doesn’t exist, it never has and never will be.

  6. P R E D I C T I O N

    Joe Biden-Scarborough is going to Fruit Roll-UP All Religions into one BIG CATHOLIC GUILT TRIPS.




    P R E D I C K T I O N T M

  7. Just Now
    Don’t know how to spell it
    The Demonrat Head

    Hackem Jeffries?

    He was just on mourning Joe on msNBC
    He sounded and looked like Harold Ford

    The Audio Signatures are Pure Baltimore Upper Academia

    But the question is . . .

    What color does he represent?

    Black? No
    White? No
    Brown? No
    Grey? No

    It is close to gray
    But more Dead

    Like a Frankenstein Cobbled University DEI Project gone cold

    Interesting . . .
    To Night, To Night

  8. Brad –
    Constitutional changes need to be made to establish what a free and fair press is. And there needs to be penalties.

    There used to be a law against propaganda until it was repealed by the Kenyan Kremepuff in 2013. Now pushing an agenda (propaganda) is the norm on the MSM.
    -> The BIG lie. The more preposterous the better.
    Hmmmmmmm I wonder who said that…
    Joeseph Goebels

    Also…Hitler’s Basic Principles

    Avoid abstract ideas – appeal to the emotions.
    Constantly repeat just a few ideas. Use stereotyped phrases.
    Give only one side of the argument.
    Continuously criticize your opponents.
    Pick out one special “enemy” for special vilification.

    Sound familiar??
    “Never again” only lasted only 68 years.

  9. Wasn’t referring to you, Harry. (Even though your eyeball is green.) That Color Ometry feller up there.

    Also, there’s stomach bile, which happened to me once and it was a greenish-brown. Ewww.


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