South Carolina to Become 29th Constitutional Carry State – IOTW Report

South Carolina to Become 29th Constitutional Carry State

The South Carolina Senate passed the constitutional carry conference report on Wednesday and on Thursday Gov. Henry McMaster (R-SC) will sign it into law.

15 Comments on South Carolina to Become 29th Constitutional Carry State

  1. Glad to hear (read) it! I’ve had my cwp for nearly 4 years now. Open carry is not allowed here. Thank you Mr. McMaster…

  2. Kinda weird that a state must pass a Constitutional Carry law to “allow” the peeps the protections of the Constitution and our rights given us by Almighty God.

    Maybe it’s just me …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Tim — Agreed! Seeing these law changes is gratifying but calling it “constitutional carry” sure rubs me the wrong way, too. The Constitution says simply “shall not be infringed” which to me means there shall be no laws governing keeping and bearing arms. Removal of the requirement for a permission slip to carry a gun still leaves in place all the other infringements (e.g. open/concealed infringement, sensitive place infringement, mag capacity infringement, barrel length infringement, suppressor infringement, ugly/pretty infringement, ad nauseam).

    Here in Florida, the regime calls what we’ve got constitutional carry but I still would get thrown in the slammer for openly packing one of my gats. That suxxx.

  4. Al
    I think it’s really stupid to open carry in URBAN AREAS for a multitude of reasons. I’ll give you two big ones.

    Sooner or later you will run into some young fat bitch with pink hair and a piece of metal in her nose that will going off on you for bringing that evil gun into her space. Her objective is to embarrass you and she will be as loud and obnoxious as humanly possible. The web is chalked full of such encounters.
    Next is if I’m a bad guy, and I want a gun, I’m taking yours. Really it’s not that tough.

  5. @Brad — It was the “Period, end of story” I was reacting to. We mostly agree about the issue, and your examples are good ones.

    I occasionally find myself in places where it’s very unlikely to encounter a “young fat bitch with pink hair and a piece of metal in her nose” and if I did and she got feisty, the only real questions would be if it’d be me or one of my friends who’d shoot her, and then whose backhoe we’d use to tidy up.

    I’m not serious, of course.

  6. To summarize, many (not all) people who open carry are looking for attention, but don’t always get the attention they want.

    The whole point of concealed carry, and why it protects everyone (not just those who are armed) is the ambiguity – the bad guys have no idea who’s armed and who isn’t, and are thus at least somewhat deterred from attacking anyone. That’s why crime goes down when concealed carry is allowed – you have to assume that anyone could be carrying.

  7. The last time we were in AZ we were staying at one of the Golf resorts there. Scottsdale. We check in around 6:00 in the evening, hop in an elevator to get too our floor and in steps this couple, cowboy boots, blue jeans, cowboy hats, and he was wearing a 1911, open. So we start talking, where you from, yada yada, California. “My gun doesn’t make you nervous does it?”. I tell him not really and lifted my untucked Polo shirt to expose a Commander inside my waistband. Welcome to Arizona. We had a good laugh.

  8. Yeah, it’s amazing….surprising….gratifying….what’s the word I want for a state, ANY STATE, to allow you/us to partake of any particular RIGHT that has long since been ‘GUARENTEED’ by the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION.

    Am I to feel happy, relieved, gifted, gracious or is there another emotion I am expected to humbly bestow upon those that forcefully lord over us peons while trying to fool us into believing their every thought and prayer is for the betterment of mankind??


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