Headline – “What to Expect in the State of the Union Address” – IOTW Report

Headline – “What to Expect in the State of the Union Address”

I think we can say what we expect in the comments.

55 Comments on Headline – “What to Expect in the State of the Union Address”

  1. We know what the speech will be about. But the only real reason to watch is to see how alert he is – whether the drug cocktail they gave him was too much, not enough, or the perfect balance that will make him appear capable of surviving another 4 years.
    Dem voters may want to know. GOP voters won’t care.

  2. You need to make a bingo card;

    Will he have a bowel movement on stage?
    Will he shake hands with his imaginary friend?
    Will he be assisted by a staffer or his wife?
    Will he lose his train of thought over 10 times?
    Will be tell less than 10 lies?
    Will he fall asleep, or fall physically?

    Newt was on Fox News the other day (I was channeling flipping so cool your jets) and he made a pretty remarkable statement. He said that if Katie Britt (Alabama Senator) does well in the GOP rebuttal after the SOTU, she could easily be the front-runner for VP. This just might be frikkin’ genius.

  3. Russia Trump Republicans Shrinkflation Climate Christian-Nationalists Guns “Newcomers”

    Blame Blame Blame Blame Blame Blame
    Not My Fault Not My Fault Not My Fault

    How old are you, little girl?

  4. There will be some whispering, some shouting, a lot of references to MAGA and his “opponent”
    He’ll have to mention his dead son at least three or four times.
    He’ll confuse Ukraine with Gaza a couple of times
    I’ll have to hear about it later though, because there is no way I can make myself watch this brain dead POS

  5. I’m hoping that joey will be so discombulated and incoherent as to make a total embarrassing ass out of himself and for it to show how far he’s dementia ridden and addlepated that even the dumbest lofo voter will see thru it and cry uncle and want him to quit now. Come on man, joey take one for the all the idiots out there who still believe your bs. May a spirit of stupidity and imbecility be upon him so that every word that he speaks tonight would be totally incomprehensible.

  6. How black will his eyes be? Flat black without a reflection or like obsidian?

    There will be whisper shouts. Old man yelling at the sky moments because:

    “Republicans/Trump are a threat to our democracy!!!!”

    “Republicans/Trump hate newcomers who are here for a better life. America’s melting pot is who built this nation.”

  7. Dementia and a LOT OF PHARMACEUTICALS to try and cover the evidence. I cannot imagine what must be going on with the “doctors” trying to drug him up for this sham. Talk about violating your oath of a doctor and TREASON. Nooses for all.

  8. Picture Harris and Speaker Johnson, facing Congress. Now picture a flaming, out of control dumpster fire being led down the aisle and onto the stage. The dumpster fire burns out of control for ~90 minutes, then gets walked back out of congress. There. I just save everyone ~90 minutes of lost life you’d never have gotten back.

  9. Here’s what I expect. I won’t be watching. Certainly there will be an alternative to listening to this pathological liar. Maybe a rerun of petticoat junction. McHale’s Navy.

  10. Will the camera coverage be close-in or, pulled back and not HD. A lower res, somewhat fuzzy quality to the video? They could have been working on the audio for some time splicing words and phrases together that he’s managed to make coherent. The media will follow whatever orders they’re given. If the regime wants him in a fuzzy focus, they’ll fall all over themselves to comply.

    Will it be him? Will he be actually speaking or will someone be on that stage lip syncing? Will we be witness to some AI magic? We know he doesn’t have the stamina for this.

    I won’t be watching. I’ve had my fill of seeing still shots of that tritor.

  11. Rich Taylor
    THURSDAY, 7 MARCH 2024, 11:25 AT 11:25 AM

    “Will be tell less than 10 lies?”

    …the fact that he’s there pretending to be president is ALREADY more than 10 lies, so THAT is mathematically impossible.

  12. With all the drugs doctor Jill is pumping into this clown we just may see him vapor lock and die on National TV. What better way to boost the vote for the Dem party?

  13. I still contend that The State of the Union should have the president sitting down with his big yap shut and listening to ordinary citizens telling HIM what the State-of-the Union is. It’s always the same. Please worship and admire my Wonderfulness

  14. PHenry, I’m watching old reruns of The Naked City, one of the best police dramas ever from season 1 in 1959 on the ROKU channel. It was one of my moms favorite programs way back in those days when I was little and about 6 years old or so. I switched my internet service from Xfinity about a month ago because I was getting hosed for both the cable TV and the internet to Quantum Fiber. I hate Xfinity and right now I just have streaming services and not live TV and I’m perfectly happy with it. Quantum Fiber saves me at least half or more what I was paying Xfinity and my internet is faster as well now.

  15. On X Sean Spicer reports that the WH has announced two “intermissions” during tonight’s speech.

    Things that make you go “hmmm?”

    So, when the whisper yelling starts a hook comes out and drags him off stage for more drugs and ice cream?!?

  16. I am hoping that we hear the mumbling, that a bell rings at every lie or that cowardly Republicans forget decorum and catcall him and, if lucky, the drug cocktail will be too much so that it is possible to detect a freshness in his delivery similar to Dylan Mulvaney.

  17. ^ My doctor prescribed 200 mg of triphorgetin, twice a day with food. Because he tried to get me to take the jab, I cold cocked him and forgot about it until now. But I’m here to report the drug is better with gin and lime juice. It’s noice! What was this post about? Oh.

  18. I’m gonna just click over once in a while with the sound off. I’ll get a better idea of his deterioration rate that way and won’t have to worry about my blood pressure.

  19. If that idiot drops dead on TV…I for one, will not be lowering My Flag to

    Half Mast….It’ll be fully unfurled and flyin in the Wind !

  20. Hey Geoff
    Look into Starlink.
    After the initial startup of $600, you get super-fast internet for $90 to $110 per month depending on where you live.
    I’ve had it for a couple years.

    As for the SotU speech.
    10 to 1 says he will be telling us that Jesus was born on this night and carried a cross to the rolling stone concert at the cave.Amen.

  21. Yes, Illustr8r. Demoniac Joe’s eyes are pitch black. He’s not the only one who has that feature in the Chamber tonight. Proof he’s spiritual corrupt and evil.

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