Message from Native Patriot on Twitter – IOTW Report

Message from Native Patriot on Twitter

The people who want war donโ€™t fight the war.

The people who are flooding our streets with illegals, live in gated communities.

The people who advocate for more taxes, control the laws to evade taxes themselves.

The people who want to trans the kids donโ€™t have to live the life of a sterilized and hormonally screwed up individual.

The most prominent people who say America is racist are reaping the financial rewards of causing that very division.

The elites are laughing at us, they believe we are powerless, and we will be, if we continue to play their game.

We are strongest together. Be grateful. Be humble. Find strength and embody the spirit of Freedom our founding fathers showed. We are decedents of warriors, of revolutionaries. Who battled the strongest military the world had ever knownโ€ฆ. And won.

To say that ALL men are created equal. That our rights stem from God, and is recognized by governments of man. We will not be ruled by tyrants. We will not live in ze pod and eat ze bugs. We will not be happy on our knees. We would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.

We are warriors. Your forefathers did not die for our rights just to let it slip away to commie tyrants who want us poor, broken, & dependent. Youโ€™re not a victim. You are a warrior!

God Bless You All & God Bless America

9 Comments on Message from Native Patriot on Twitter

  1. Loud applause from Uncle Al’s place!

    Note: there is a very unfortunate typo, likely from bad spell check:

    We are decedents descendants of warriors, of revolutionaries.

  2. “We are strongest together. ”

    And as I see it from my vantage point, that’s our biggest problem. The FBI, CIA and DOJ have become masters at scaring us from getting organized. Pick any 5 guys at the gun range and one of them is sure to be a Fibbie. But if there was ever a time to get organized it’s right now.

  3. Few see the storm approaching, few want it, many fear it, many close their eyes to its approach. We to, will be going down the same road as our ancestors yet again from not learning from the mistakes of the others that have gone before us. As it slips away slowly into history unless we rise and act.

  4. Command, Control an Communications necessary to be successful…. but the coms must take place at taverns…


  5. The commumists at Havard and the NY Times are getting the last laugh. We may win in 2024, but the nation is so poisoned, it’ll take two generations to purge the poison. The commmunists know we don’t have the time.


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