Lara Trump is New RNC Co-Chair – IOTW Report

Lara Trump is New RNC Co-Chair


The Republican National Committee voted Friday to install Donald Trump’s hand-picked leadership team, completing his takeover of the national party as the former president closes in on a third straight presidential nomination. Michael Whatley, a North Carolina Republican who has echoed Trump’s false theories of voter fraud, was elected as the party’s new national chairman in a vote Friday morning in Houston. Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law, was voted in as co-chair, per the AP. Trump’s team is promising not to use the RNC to pay his mounting personal legal bills. But Trump and his lieutenants will have firm control of the party’s political and fundraising machinery with limited, if any, internal pushback.


12 Comments on Lara Trump is New RNC Co-Chair

  1. Prepare for the Black Swan event.
    They will burn it all down, before they surrender.
    And if know what a Black Swan event is, it means prepare for everything.

  2. If the positive effects trickle down to the overly Deep State, Corrupt, local party leadership, this might be a positive thing. If not, expect ABSOLUTLEY NO CHANGES WHATSOEVER. Just ask the Ron Paul and Rick Santorum folks about how the local and state party leadership “works” against freedom, liberty, and positive changes.

  3. The “election” outcome won’t change you know those commie CO**SU**ERS are going to try every dirty trick in the book…including declaring martial law to prevent the election if they don’t think they have enough of their COMCHINK phony BS voting machines and boat load of bogus ballots ready for the big cheat!

    Our government is a travesty from top to bottom! FUCK EM!

  4. It amazes me it took eight years to get rid of that incompetnent corrupt piece of shit Ronna McDaniel Romney.

    With some real talent at the head of the RNC, things should become interesting!

  5. I don’t trust Whatley AT ALL. But I TOTALLY trust Laura Trump. Something must have forced PDJT to compromise by bringing Whatley aboard – but PDJT negotiated a hedge on the bet by bringing in Laura. And don’t doubt for a second that Laura won’t call out Whatley if he turns rino.


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