Reaction? – IOTW Report


41 Comments on Reaction?

  1. A couple weeks after our first kid was born pops called me aside for one of THOSE talks. “The problem with being a parent is you really only get one shot at it. And the feed back doesn’t arrive until they’re all adults.” Truer words. Grand kids justified his life.

  2. My Dad was 6’2″ and 240 lbs. He never spanked us because he thought he might break us, but those 45 minute talks about what a shit head you are were worse…..

  3. A different world. I’ve seen the little black children beat to a pulp by big momma.

    I was born in the 70s and saw many an ass whopping in public.

  4. It always looks worse from our point of view. But one whack on the ass should have done it. BUT, maybe the kid did get one whack on the ass earlier. And notice how he admonishes the girl as well. What if they ran out into traffic or something like that? Wouldn’t you kick ass too?

    I think we should hire this guy to go around Congress and whack the shit out of every democrat and rino.

  5. I was in the Telco and “weasel tech” (I never knew his real name) spouted off to Bob McMunn, and McMunn hit weasel tech on top his hardhat, saying, “I’m not one of your fucking punk Accokeek friends!”, and weasel tech was knocked the hell out for about 10 minutes. Drooling. Prolly shit his pants.

    Coleman and I looked at one another and walked away. Whatever.

    Children learn from ass whoopings.

    I have no problem with ass whoopings.

  6. Need content, but public spanking sometimes is required, if you can avoid too much attention. Karens and Kevins might call the police. Still that was over the top.

    My dad never spanked us. He left it up to Mom, because he knew being a man he could be too rough and do some serious damage.

    This guy was really angry and doesn’t know his own strength. Kids that small don’t require that much heavy-handed hitting. They look traumatized. One or two swats would have been enough.

  7. Faced a razor strap when I was young as punishment – that was not as abusive as dis guy. If I would have seen it I would have reported it. No child’s behavior deserved that level of violence – it wasn’t punishment but a physical assault by a large bully.

  8. every time i tried to smack one of my kids, some kind of force field manifested itself and slowed my hand down to hardly touching the butt……used to peace me off bigtime……which didn’t help much, either…….somehow, we all survived, lol

  9. An ass whooping never killed any kid. Now I never spanked my kids in public and honestly spankings could be counted on one hand, but once my daughter ran into the road and I spanked her all the way back to the front door. I wanted her to remember, so she would never do it again and it worked. Spanking in public though there are too many Karens who will call the cops. That’s why kids today are holy terrors in public.

  10. At least he did it with an open hand. My old man would rip a leg off a stool to switch up the usual belt with buckle. But that’s at home.. in public, hmmmm, don’t remember him hitting, he saved it up.

    Overall, I’m against beating kids in any form. I never hit my kids even once, probably cause I’m traumatized from my old man.

    I did once punch my pitbull a few times as she was going to town on my dying dog and I couldn’t get her off. That was heat of the moment and I regret doing it. She’s now almost 11 years old and I love her to death.

  11. I got spanked when I deserved it. When I set the rug in my room on fire when I was four, I definitely deserved a spanking. I was a pyromaniac and could have killed my whole family.

  12. Every child is different. You may think you got it figured out with the first kid, then the second one reacts completely different to what worked with the first one, and so on. Some kids, like some dogs, you can spank until your arm hurts but they just don’t care. Others will wilt at a scowl.

    You can ruin an animal with beatings. You can also ruin them with bribes, inattention, and inconsistency. Children are much like animals

    The main thing to remember is that without both love and discipline, many, if not most, children become spoiled and lost, just like in the Bible. People are and do what people have always been and done.

    I was/am not a perfect father, but I like to think that I improved with experience. I look at that video and cringe as I remember losing it like that a few times.

    The guy was angry. He should have calmed down before disciplining (physical or otherwise). Also, he will be prosecuted. I don’t agree with it, but it will happen. The internet sees all and is seen by all…eventually. The internet also loves to condemn and punish…and it never forgives. For that reason, I will post this as Anonymous.

  13. I used a wooden spoon or curved rubber spatula (scary sound, not painful) but if I were really mad I’d hit the butcher block. I didn’t want to hit my kids out of anger. Just a quick slap to get their attention. After a few times there was no need. They took me seriously.
    Never in public.

  14. I was a handful compared to my 3 siblings.
    Hearing the words, “Wait until your Dad comes home.”, set in a sense of guilt, remorse, anguish and fear.

    Corrective discipline and I visited several times in my youth.
    Always for the right reason. Much less frequent when I finally understood the rules of the household and society.

    Verbal corrective action was much more painful and longer lasting.
    Never was corrective discipline (Physical or Verbal) applied outside of home.
    The lessons learned stayed with me my entire life.

  15. It’s not wonderful but also not horrible. I remember seeing scenes like this way more often in the 60s and 70s than today. I think society has softened too much.
    My mother would spank her five kids when were were bad using a paddle that was marked “For the cute little deer with the bear behind”. It had a picture of a fawn and a cub.
    And she would say “If you think that hurt just imaging what Dad could do”.
    My father never had to physically punish us….

  16. Last week when I called my sister on her 82nd birthday that very subject came up and we can both vividly recall the pattern on our dad’s belt! And we both admitted we deserved what we got back then!

  17. My dad was an elementary school principal in a rough part of town, so he knew his way around a paddle, yet he never laid a finger on me. I deserved a spanking many times, but never got one. He was the best dad any boy could have ever had and he was my hero. Knowing that the wrong or bad thing I did had disappointed him was punishment enough for me. Much later, we were best friends.


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