Tyson Wants to Accommodate 52,000 Illegals – IOTW Report

Tyson Wants to Accommodate 52,000 Illegals

Scripts News

The food processing company wants to hire 52,000 asylum seekers for factory jobs, offering a starting wage of $16.50 per hour along with benefits. The company understands and is aware that these are jobs that many find unpleasant, such as washing meat, placing the cuts into trays, final inspections for bones and packing meat, but believe this will help the refugees to start a life in America. 

For example, the company says that it has allocated $1.5 million a year for legal aid services and will be providing its new employees with temporary housing, on-site child care, transportation, a relocation stipend, and paid time off to attend court hearings and to adjust to their new homes. More

18 Comments on Tyson Wants to Accommodate 52,000 Illegals

  1. Tyson sells chicken to KFC, Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Walmart, Kroger, IGA, Beef O’Brady’s, and prisons.

    All the elite food outlets and who can resist Prison chicken… Mmmmmmmmm – – NOPE!!!
    Care for a side of bugs widdat?
    No, they’re already included… not a feature, just a bug 🙂

  2. So, since DHS isn’t testing the hoards for diseases, will Tyson assume that responsibility? I have managed to avoid Tyson’s crappy products since their connection to then-president B J Clinton.

  3. Meat packing and food processing plants have been hiring refugees for decades. It is ingrained into their corporate psyche. They are integral to the Refugee Industrial Complex. I believe it started with the influx of refugees following the end of the Vietnam War.

  4. big business said OPERATION WETBACK was “isolationism, rascist and inhumane” 70 years ago. Tyson was a little company then. Now is a major corporation. I bet many here have been eating one of its products for breakfast fer decades unaware of who the “real” owner was. JIMMY DEAN.

    A conservative, Dem, ex union president said 70 years ago, “BIG BUSINESS, BIG LABOR – 2 sides of the same coin” Repeated it many times 12 year later while crushing Brown in the Gov. Election! I loved for him. Clearly biased!

    Because of my bias I quitJimmy Dean years ago. Tyson was “Chicken” 70 years ago. Been meat the last 50years; and international; aka “Globalist”!

  5. They bought Barber Foods in Ptld, ME a few yrs ago.
    They just announced they’re closing a pork processing plant in IA and 1200 people are losing their jobs.
    Now we know why.

  6. Tyson has been hiring illegals for decades. They will work for next to nothing, you don’t have to provide benefit such as health care, vacation pay, profit sharing, etc. If someone gets injured on the line, which is amazingly common in that industry, they are sent packing because there are always a dozen waiting to take that spot. Nice racket, I suppose.

  7. You might find a breaded, deep fried human ear in your next box of chicken nuggets….oops, wrong Tyson. Sorry.

    (I like Mike Tyson – best Heavyweight champ ever).


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