Biden Voters Can “Not See” – IOTW Report

Biden Voters Can “Not See”

20 Comments on Biden Voters Can “Not See”

  1. I am not willing to concede ignorance of what they are doing to individuals who there is every reason to believe relish the increased suffering, misery and death that they voted for. My belief is that they enjoy their part in what has been going down. I’ll go one step further and state unequivocally say that it is my belief that most of them are enjoying seeing others suffer. How could I observe and listen to the interviews of the leftist “man on the street” that were posted for their enjoyment on their favorite channels without noticing that not only were they unmoved by the responses to what was going down in 2020 and 2021 praising the active participants in the BLM/Antifa riots, they applauded it. To fail to recognize to that they were living vicariously through the acts they voted to enable was to deny that their glee went well beyond a pattern and was ubiquitous among them. The masks had been slipping, it was at that point they thought they had won and felt safe proudly letting it be know who it is that they worship.

  2. Every damn democRAT, voting in lockstep with Stupid, wants to be a “member in good standing” in the New Communist Party when it takes over to rule over the ashes of a once great nation… for they will get the goodies while the proletariat suffer and die!

  3. A nuther John Kasich: A perpetual party clownfart that stinks up the joint so badly he even makes Eric Swalwell jealous! Maybe the democRATz will throw him some table scraps and a Molotov cocktail to wash ’em down with!

  4. It was true in Plato’s time. Still true.

    “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” – Plato

  5. Wild bill, you can say that the democraps are really in two places at once when they’re not anywhere at all. Who knew that The Firesign Theater was prophetic and prescient with their absurdist, satirical humor. And joey is George Leroy Tirebiter and his faithful idiot sidekick Mudhead is Kamala on stupid steroids. “Coming (cumming)” Jill.

  6. One of many Biden sins has been in the news last couple days. He allowed himself to be pushed around by Schemer Schumer in calling for the ouster of Israeli PM Netanyahu.

    Sticking your face into the politics of an ally who is fighting for its existence is unforgivable. And Biden is holding a Sword of Damocles over Israel by threatening to withhold arms shipments unless Netanyahu is forced out.

    This sucks so bad. Terrible way to treat a friend and ally.

  7. God bless you & all your…
    OMG I did not zee this coming!
    Oh please all Americans know & r daily reminded exactly who is de NotZee. Next,Lil Kim & Vlad feel left out, pleaze help out a fellow, you know a fellow Not Zee.


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