Ginsburg Family Disavow Award Given in Her Name – IOTW Report

Ginsburg Family Disavow Award Given in Her Name

UK Daily Mail

Ruth Bader Ginsburg‘s family has denounced and award in her named being given to Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch, among others.

The Opperman Foundation has since 2020 bestowed the Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leadership Award to extraordinary people.

Actor Sylvester Stallone, financier Michael Milken, and fashion icon Martha Stewart will receive the award this year along with Musk and Murdoch. More

13 Comments on Ginsburg Family Disavow Award Given in Her Name

  1. The most hilarious thing about the article was describing both Murdoch and Musk as “conservative”.

    Maybe if these 2 were convicted felons like Milken and Stewart, they could be folded in more neatly as to what the foundation thinks as “extraordinary people”.

  2. Her progressive values? What a pile of puke.

    The Constitution is written in plain English. There is no progressive interpretation. But this is what happens when a scumbag shitstain ends up in the Supremes.

  3. 100 Million of free satellite access to the Ukraine by Musk, what have they done for the Dummies who got suckered into a war by Victoria Newland?

    The Garbage served under Clunton, Bush, Barky, FIRED BY TRUMP, Re-instated by ShitPants.

    Maybe they think she deserves an award.

  4. Awwwwww…change the rules to include conservative men? Now you have a taste of what conservatives feel when ShitLibs change the rules on conservative organizations. Can you say “Boy Scouts”? I knew you could.
    FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF……well, you know the rest.


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