Despite Doom and Gloom Articles, Lauren Boebert is Leading the Primary Race in Colorado – IOTW Report

Despite Doom and Gloom Articles, Lauren Boebert is Leading the Primary Race in Colorado


Conservative firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert is running for Congress in a new district to replace outgoing Rep. Ken Buck, but she is embracing the uphill battle.

Boebert is working to rally motivated MAGA conservatives to join her campaign for Colorado’s 4th district, after moving east to more conservative pastures from her current 3rd district position. 

Boebert’s decision shook up the race, but despite her popularity in the MAGA community it’s not a guaranteed victory in her newly adopted district. 

Republicans in the district are suspicious about Boebert’s motivations for switching districts, viewing it as a politically expedient decision, and not all are satisfied with her messy family drama.

Candidates who had already announced their campaigns in the district were exasperated when Boebert decided to jump into their district.

But Boebert embraces the term ‘carpetbagger,’ a derogatory term first coined after the Civil War to describe northerners moving south for political and economic expediency.

‘Weren’t the carpetbaggers the good guys?’ she mused during an interview with the on the phone. ‘Didn’t they like bring industry, innovation, prosperity?’

She acknowledged that voters in the district have a lot of questions and says she is ready to have those conversations as the June 24 Republican primary approaches.

Boebert leads the pack of Republican candidates, the poll shows, with 32 percent support. The rest of the candidates are in the single digits.


14 Comments on Despite Doom and Gloom Articles, Lauren Boebert is Leading the Primary Race in Colorado

  1. I think the lesson here is the one her ex husband learned. don’t stick it in crazy. she talks conservative but all Republicans talk it until you realize that they are all talk. she may be good looking but…

  2. Don’t believe it. Lauren Boebert has got more lost baggage than the Titanic. She might not have even won the nomination in the Third Congressional District’s Republican primary, because of her disgraceful public behavior and the lies she told before the truth became so obvious. If she had won the nomination, it’s very likely that she would have lost to the very Liberal Aspen Democrat who nearly beat her in the last election. Boebert has not been very successful in her efforts to convince the voters in the Fourth Congressional District that she is not a Carpetbagger. Lately Boebert has been appearing at Republican events with her grandson in a baby sack carrier to deflect attention from her unsavory public behavior. That first grandchild is the child her seventeen year old son had with the sixteen year old girlfriend he hasn’t married yet. She first gained attention when she confronted that table hopping Doofus, Beto O’Rourke, in Denver when he was spouting off about seizing guns during his farcical run for the Presidency. Although Lauren Boebert has been a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and President Trump, Republicans can do better than Lauren Boebert in both these Congressional Districts.

  3. Marco, you don’t have a problem with Jamaal Bowman pulling a fire alarm in Congress, do you? Or AOC? Or the other freaks of the left? At leasn Lauren hasn’t committed any crimes, like Bowman, or made zillions on insider trading like Pelosi. Or fucks Chinese spies, like Eric Swalwell.

  4. Anon: Actually, I have a problem with all of these malignant, mendacious Congressional Representatives. However, the subject was Lauren Boebert, and she’s the biggest trailer trash train wreck in Colorado right now.

    I also have a major problem with Boebert cosponsoring the Dolores River Conservation Act along with Republican Congressmen Ken Buck and Doug Lamborn. This was introduced in the U.S. Senate by Democrat Senators Bennett and Hickenlooper, and Boebert is stupid enough to believe that the Environmental Extremists who want to prevent uranium exploration and mining in the southern end of the Uravan Mineral Belt are going to vote for her. She’s an ignorant embarrassment. Boebert can move back to Garfield County after she gets her arse kicked in Ft. Collins, Loveland, Windsor, and Greeley. It’s closer to the Aspen home of the Democrat bar owner she was shacked up with for months before she claimed to have just started seeing him the night these two fools got tossed out of the theater in Denver. She will make a great attraction in Aspen, sort of like the Elephant Man once did in England.


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