HIV Cure Breakthrough as Scientists Find Way of Eliminating AIDS-Causing Virus – IOTW Report

HIV Cure Breakthrough as Scientists Find Way of Eliminating AIDS-Causing Virus


Scientists have successfully eliminated HIV from infected cells in what has been hailed as a significant breakthrough in the race for a cure.

Using ‘genetic scissors’, experts were able to snip out the virus from infected T cells in the laboratory, removing all traces.

Experts said the hope is the technique could one day be developed into a treatment, stopping the need for lifelong antiviral medication.

HIV integrates into the DNA of the person infected, taking over the host’s cell machinery to replicate.

While it can be effectively controlled with anti-viral therapies, ‘reservoirs’ for reinfection remain, allowing it to take hold again if treatment stops.

Scientists want to develop a treatment which can stop it evading the body’s immune system.

Using the Crispr genome-editing technique, researchers at Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands, honed in on the part of the virus which is the same across all known HIV strains.

They were also able to target these ‘hidden’ HIV reservoir cells by focusing on specific proteins found on the surfaces of these cells.

Writing ahead of the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, the authors said ‘these findings represent a pivotal advancement towards designing a cure strategy’.

‘While these preliminary findings are very encouraging, it is premature to declare that there is a functional HIV cure on the horizon,’ they added.


20 Comments on HIV Cure Breakthrough as Scientists Find Way of Eliminating AIDS-Causing Virus

  1. “…the race for a cure”

    There’s a “race?” Who the hell knew? And who are the competitors? It’s been more than 40 years since AIDS was identified and there is still a “race?” Good grief. How come all the brilliant clot shot makers haven’t come up with the shot for this yet?

  2. I couldn’t care less about the careless butt-uckers. I fear for the poor innocent people who are either raped (children) or get it because these evil bastards will purposely taint the blood banks with their infected blood.
    Pure evil!

  3. Fauci once talked about going into gay bath houses early in the AIDS epidemic to see why a mysterious “gay virus” was showing up in gay populations in cities like SF and NYC .. and nowhere else

    And so he saw what was going on .. Homos were engaging in unbelievably pathological sexual “behaviours” where certain men let themselves get boned by any stiff dick that came along .. sometimes ten humps a night. And then he observed exactly what you would expect. The epidemic started raging first in cities where these bathhouses were located, then to smaller cities etc.

    But he then has the malice to assert that this VD that needs access to the bloodstream was a threat to everyone. He absolutely knew this was a lie, early on

    I take this personally, because I had to get to the bottom (no pun intended) of this before I could decide to get married, because I didnt know whether I was a threat to my future wife*

    And I finally read an article by a Michael Fumento, who was the first person to make sense .. this venereal disease must get to the bloodstream, and there is only one way that happens .. anal sex. The only other way it can possibly happen sexually is if one partner is infected and the other has a chancre sore

    Whats really damning of our entire Public Health sector is that this Fumento person is NOT A DOCTOR, or a member of the medical bureaucracy. Which means the entire medical and media establishment was in on this fraud

    This wont be news to anybody here, but you can use this to establish that our media and govt are capable of this. Because half of the population still cant believe what we’re saying about COVID

    *(Because, like, I did have a lady friend before my wife and its possible that you know ..)

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