Marjorie Taylor Green Files Motion To Vacate Speaker Johnson – IOTW Report

Marjorie Taylor Green Files Motion To Vacate Speaker Johnson

Breitbart: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a motion Friday that could force a vote to strip the gavel from Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

The motion is not privileged, which means the House will not immediately hold a vote on the motion. The procedural motion is the same one Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) used in October 2023 to end Kevin McCarthy’s speakership after only nine months.

Greene filed the motion shortly before the House voted on a $1.2 trillion minibus spending bill. That 1,000-plus page legislation was released in the 2:00 a.m. ET hour Thursday morning, but Speaker Johnson held the vote Friday morning, violating rules intended to give lawmakers adequate time to review legislation. more

26 Comments on Marjorie Taylor Green Files Motion To Vacate Speaker Johnson

  1. Vacate the chair and don’t hold a vote to replace him until the border is secure. The House certainly isn’t doing America any favors, so they might as well stay home.

  2. Hey! I’ve got an idea. Lets elect another republican speaker, with so many to choose from it has to be a good one. Besides, being a republican we can’t possibly go wrong.

  3. What a bunch of dumb fvck republicans: Johnson, Ryan, Cheney, Romney, Kinzinger, Bush, Bush etc… These treasonous bastards are no worse than their Demoncrat counterparts. Am grateful to have grown up in a land that was once free and be able to breathe without a mask, eat without high fructose corn syrup, sleep without a DNA modifying vaccine, and worship God as I see fit. Psalm 91:7 A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. So little time left for our country

  4. Watching from the outside in a Communist “Dick Taker” Ship: Turdeau

    I think that maybe the Re-Pubes should shut the hell up, show some unity (however weak it is) BEAR DOWN, and concentrate VERY HARD on getting Joey Shit Pants Replaced by Donald Trump.

    This just makes the “Pubes” look splintered and the Demons look more unified.

    But hell, there are 4 parties united up here against 1 Conservative party in Canukistan.

  5. Here’s an idea:

    Let’s make sure the role of Speaker of the House is so politically charged that only the most ambitious or insane would agree to accept it.

    Oh wait. Looks like our Congress critters are already doing this. Never mind.

  6. Everytime a crappy democrat bill passes with Republicans support I always wonder which repub voted with them and Kennedys always on the list.
    But he does have some great one liners.

  7. Kick his ass out and leave the seat vacant. Of course, if Congress IS totally side-lined, Biden will claim that he has to rule via EO to get anything done, but then it’s all on him.

  8. The Uniparty is using “Bait and Switch” in Congress – replacing one RINO with another as House Speaker.
    The American people are being played. No wonder McCarthy was smirking as he put down the gavel for the last time. He knew it would be business as usual with Johnson.


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