The Diarrhea Defense – IOTW Report

The Diarrhea Defense

Live Science

Sperm whales blasted a “big dark bubble” of poop to prevent an impending orca attack off the southern coast of Western Australia.

Scientists witnessed the clever defense strategy unfold Tuesday (March 19) during a tourist excursion in Bremer Canyon, a whale-watching hotspot off the coast between Albany and Hopetoun. They described seeing a “cloud of diarrhea” permeate the water, and this rarely seen defense mechanism seemed to help the sperm whale pod escape what could have been a fatal attack by at least 30 killer whales, ABC News Australia reported. More

20 Comments on The Diarrhea Defense


    Just up the hill. My son does tree work right there all the time. The 18 year old died this morning. This is a direct result of Libtard laws to protect predators. We have an even bigger bear problem in this county. I expect to see a Sheriffs office sponsored SSS program ramping up.

  2. Should be called the Skunk Defense.
    What animal would want to attack after swimming through/smelling that odiferous stank?


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