We’re One Seat Away from Democrat Control Over of the House – IOTW Report

We’re One Seat Away from Democrat Control Over of the House


Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., who announced last month he would not run for re-election, will resign from Congress early, he confirmed in a statement Friday.

Gallagher’s departure before the end of his term in January is another blow to Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., and House Republicans, who have been struggling to govern and demonstrate stability in this Congress.

Two sources familiar with the matter told NBC News of Gallagher’s plan to resign early Friday. The Wisconsin Republican then released a statement announcing that he will depart April 19. More

Why April 19th is important Here

29 Comments on We’re One Seat Away from Democrat Control Over of the House

  1. The Uni Party is hard at it. If you jerk every one off and run as a Republican and pull this shit the penalty should be a bullet in the head. Tell me it’s not treasonous. The uni party is to relinquish the majority and use the 14th to deny Trump access to the White House.

  2. Happening how: GOPe rats are conspiring to lose the House – and allow the left to use Congress to declare Trump ineligible as a candidate:

    Step 1: turn the House over to the democrats:

    Johnson’s margin drops to one vote as Gallagher heads for early exit

    Step 2:
    With Congress and the presidency completely in democrat hands, pass the “law” declaring Trump ineligible to run:


  3. The Dems know how to move money around so it ends up where they really want it. They may very well have dirt on Gallagher but it’s just as likely that they are able to meet his price.

    They bury a dollar amount in an obscure spot in a spending bill that eventually gets funneled to Gallagher and he’s happy and the Dems are happier.

    Good thing for our government that they haven’t increased the tax on tea or, oh boy, would they be in big, big trouble.

  4. @ Dr. Hambone SUNDAY, 24 MARCH 2024, 1:44 AT 1:44 AM

    Could be, but I think it more likely this is how they intend to rat fuck Trump and the American people this time around. Last time it was Paul Ryan, this time it is handing the House over to the Democrats. The only thing the Republican establishment is sincere about is keeping the grift going.

  5. the Republicans aren’t defense against anything. it’s past time to burn the Party to the ground and rebuild as something better without this Cadre of phoney conservatives being allowed in.

  6. Saddest part? After the November election, and all the smoke clears, we will be in the exact same boat we’re in now. Yeah, a few of the players may have changed, but the end result remains the same; America, or at least the one we all knew, is absolutely fucked. What – you really think we can just vote harder and everything will work itself out?

  7. If they are going to destroy the Republic I want all the world to see them do it and watch them explain to the people how we should all live peacefully under their dictatorship.

  8. In case you missed it the democrats stole the republican party a long time ago. What’s different today is that they have complete control over the federal government and can freely flaunt it.

  9. Calculated treachery. To counter this the gop must kick gallagher out of the party immediately and vacate the seat (like they did to Santos) so his district can hold a special election to replace his rotten ass.

  10. “Someone with very deep pockets is paying Republican members of the House to resign on a schedule designed to maximize Democrat control over the House when the November election takes place. This is criminal election meddling and an act of treason. The FBI and DOJ probably already know who it is but fully support the effort. A coup against the United States of America is under way right now… to BLOCK the will of the voters, to destroy “democracy” and to rig another election so that tyrants can stay in power while patriots rot in filthy jails.” Mike Adams

  11. Even if Trump wins: the country is destroyed. All customs, all traditions all trust – it’s all gone. It’ll NEVER be the same. EVER. We’ll always be an election away from tyranny. The only answer is secession.


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