Moron Mayor Adams Won’t Visit Border – Too Dangerous – IOTW Report

Moron Mayor Adams Won’t Visit Border – Too Dangerous

The sanctimonious sanctuary city dude won’t go to the border out of “safety concerns.” The hell with the people who live there.


Safety concerns prompted New York City Mayor Eric Adams to cancel a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday, his office announced.

Adams was scheduled to depart Saturday night to visit Brownsville and McAllen, Texas and scheduled to meet with U.S. immigration leaders as his city struggles to house new migrants seeking asylum.

His spokesperson Amaris Cockfield said Sunday that The State Department expressed safety concerns at one of the mayor’s planned stops in Mexico, and the trip was postponed.

Adams was invited to the southern border by Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande, Cockfield said.

more at gothamist

21 Comments on Moron Mayor Adams Won’t Visit Border – Too Dangerous

  1. Is it just me or does any one else, when seeing a pic of Adams, visualize him in one-strap bib overalls and a ratty straw hat, walking behind a tired mule plowing a dusty field in the hot sun?

  2. Curious that the State Departmemt weenies are saying that Mehico is too dangerous. Firstly, Whiskey Tango on why he’d go to Mexico, as the border can be observed from both sides, and it is the U.S. side that he could possibly influence. (as much as anybody not in the chain of command that could affect things)

  3. I’m wondering exactly what would have been gained by his visit to Taco Bell? Would it be due to his great comprehension of international politics. His uncanny problem solving ability? His loyalty to our country?
    I have a Lab that I know is smarter than this racist moron. He has no business at the border.
    Maybe he could come to agreement with the Taco Bender President of Mexico who proposed the solution to our immigration problems is for us to send 20 billion dollars a year to unmotivated bums that inhabit his country and points south. So by my math I would work 2.5 hours a day for myself and 5.5 hours a day to pay my tax debt which no includes fucking lazy ass Taco Benders that are poking their fat women while I work my ass off. That seems fair. Fuck this little black racist Q Ball.


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