Justin Trudeau’s Grip On Power Is Precarious  – IOTW Report

Justin Trudeau’s Grip On Power Is Precarious 

And We Witnessed That Not Once, But Twice This Week.

15 Comments on Justin Trudeau’s Grip On Power Is Precarious 

  1. It’s exactly as precarious as Brandon’s is here in the USA
    No one wants him, but he’ll keep winning landslide victories because no one will do anything about it.

  2. It doesn’t matter. He no more runs anything but his mouth than Pedo Joe does, if he vaporized tomorrow morning they’d be speaking the same lies with a new puppet before lunch.

    He’s just the the face, the scapegoat if things go wrong for them and an empty vessel for conveying their orders if things go as they want. He was born, raises, and groomed for this role, but a roll is all it is.

    He’s a symptom, not a cause.

    The cancer lies in Davos, this guy is just the squamous.

    They all need to be torched at the same time.

  3. At least Fidel Jr. is up for election by the end of the year. Nothing will happen before then. The Liberal Party, of course, will not vote against him and the NDP, which would be meaningless if they did not hitch to the Liberal wagon, isn’t going to vote against him. That means there will be no no-confidence vote.

    The best thing would be for the Conservatives to win a majority government in this year’s election. A plurality won’t do — The Liberals and the NDP will form another coalition government. Yes, there are a couple other parties, but Hell would freeze over before they formed a coalition with the Conservatives. Except for the Conservative Party, the only difference between the other parties who make any kind of showing is how communist they are.

  4. “Twice this Week”

    Respectfully, Try EVERY FUCKING DAY since BEFORE he was PM.

    the BIGGEST PROBLEM is that MOST FUCKERS that run this SHITHOLE are from QUEBEC. Even Mulroney (Regan’s Buddy) was from Quebec.

    FUNNY THOUGH, Poilievre is actually FROM ALBERTA!

    God Bless the WEST!

  5. Pb 1st,

    Most of us didn’t vote for the C-Sucker.
    he is hanging on with a minority coalition where the leader of the 3rd Party is ALSO A DECLARED MEMBER OF THE WEF. NO SHIT-TRUTH!

    … and Dominion Voting sys.


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