Kathy Cargill Tells Duluth They Aren’t Getting Pickle Ball Court – IOTW Report

Kathy Cargill Tells Duluth They Aren’t Getting Pickle Ball Court

UK Daily Mail

‘I think an expression that we all know—don’t pee in your Cheerios—well, (the mayor) [of Duluth] kind of peed in his Cheerios right there, and definitely I’m not going to do anything to benefit that community,’ she told the Wall Street Journal

‘The good plans that I have down there for beautifying, updating and fixing up Park Point park or putting up that sports court, forget it. There’s another community out there with more welcoming people than that small-minded community.’ More

16 Comments on Kathy Cargill Tells Duluth They Aren’t Getting Pickle Ball Court

  1. If she had good intentions about what she was planning to do, and if she genuinely was committed to the wellbeing of Park Point and Duluth residents she wouldn’t have behaved in the mysterious manner she has. She is probably the most disliked person in NE Minnesota!

  2. The people didn’t have to sell their properties. They might have taken that $850K and bought 80 acres in Arkansas with quail, pheasant, deer and turkey around. They might never be in a traffic jam again….No traffic jams are priceless, this I know….

  3. Willy, granted nobody was forced to sell, and they were all payed above market value. It’s hard to say no. What people are pissed about is that she didn’t even have the courtesy to answer questions and has been rudely unwilling to communicate. So the first conversation she has is with the Wall Street Journal and she takes the opportunity to belittle the small minded people of Park Point and Duluth. Another thing I agree with you on is that no traffic jams is priceless. I think she should come out to my neck of the woods and pay me twice what my house is worth and see how quickly I’d take it.

  4. Does anyone know a filthy rich person who inherited or married into it that is/remains a genuinely nice person? Money is not your friend, it can be a tool or it can make you a tool.

  5. Yikes. This woman is not a public servant. It’s her money. When did IOTW go Socialist with out letting me know? Peeps are selling her their homes way over market value. They’re probably pretty damn happy. My apologies BFH, but who gives a rats ass?

  6. Brad, no she is not a public servant, but that doesn’t mean she’s immune to criticism.My mom lives 15 minutes from Park Point and It’s a popular park and beach area. She goes there frequently. I used to go there when I was 15-20 and I really didn’t care for it. But that’s beside the point. Lake Superior is the coldest damn body of water in the lower 48. Anyway, Karen Kargill has been a major bitch to the entire local community. She’s been rude, unwilling to communicate and has been a stuck up, rich bitch in a relatively poor to middle class area. The first communication anyone hears from her is in a story in the Wall Street Journal where she now says she had these glorious plans for improving the area but not any more, not for these small minded peasants. Sure she paid above market value for the homes she bought. She called them crap and bulldozed them down. I’m betting her husband is encouraging this activity hoping she actually moves to Duluth. I don’t like her and I’m not a socialist. She’s a no good bitch!


    What are little boys made of?
    What are little boys made of?
    Frogs and snails,
    And puppy-dogs’ tails;
    That’s what little boys are made of.

    What are little girls made of?
    What are little girls made of?
    Sugar and spice,
    And all that’s nice;
    That’s what little girls are made

  8. @Judge Dredd — Yes. And because they’re nice people, they make a reasonable effort to stay out of the news. One is a generous philanthropist who insists on anonymity.

  9. When you take above market price for your house from a gal who is not going to live in it, you have been “co-opted”.

    That’s a 1960s vintage term that means Sell-out to the Man. It a disparagement.

    Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of porridge because he was hungry.

    Who can blame him? He was hungry!

    God blamed him.

  10. It is her (her husband’s) money but if she is going to change a town and cause radical changes to the tax base, etc, she needs to submit plans.
    Especially when she’s saying things like this: “We’re going to make it even more private than it is, and we’re still going to go enjoy it,’ she told the Wall Street Journal.”

    Maine had hundreds of wealthy people move out of big cities to get away from crowds during the China Virus lockdowns and now locals can’t afford to rent or buy anything. Our taxes have doubled because so many of them bought homes here, sight unseen, for much more than asking.

    The people of the town and the Mayor are right to question her.

  11. I have doubts all the proposed improvements were going to be made available to the general public. She seems the type that would build a sports complex and make it members only so she and her friends could play pickle ball whenever they wanted to. Now she knows the locals are going to be resentful and find ways to punish her pleasure palace complex.


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