Is It a Mystery, Really? – IOTW Report

Is It a Mystery, Really?

DM- Alarm over mystery cancer ‘epidemic’ striking under-50s like Kate Middleton as scientists scramble to find cause of startling increase.

Scientists are scrambling to find the cause of a mystery cancer ‘epidemic’ which is striking under-50s.

Kate Middleton‘s shock diagnosis last week has shone a light on the startling trend, with top doctors claiming it is a worldwide problem.

Despite years of research, researchers are baffled as to what is behind the problem. 

Increased awareness thanks to the likes of Dame Deborah James, who died from bowel cancer aged 40 in 2022, and improved diagnosis methods are thought to have played a role.

But, in the wake of the Princess of Wales’ news, one surgeon claimed an yet-to-be discovered factor could be to blame. 

Professor Andrew Beggs, a consultant colorectal surgeon and a senior clinical fellow at the University of Birmingham, said: ‘There might be an unknown environmental factor that we haven’t discovered, despite extensive research.’ 

‘I run a clinic for early-onset cancer in adults and we’re seeing more and more people in their 40s with cancer.’


hmmmmmmmmmmm. What can it be? I am stumped.

31 Comments on Is It a Mystery, Really?

  1. If you took the jab do these three things immediately:
    1. Find a Dr to perform a cancer screening to look for any early signs of cancer.
    2. Start taking Nattokinase to purge yourself of the spike proteins that the jab caused you to create.
    3. Take Fenbendazole to help fight off early cancer. Look up “Joe Tippens”, who was at stage 4 cancer and he started Fenbendazole and went into full remission. It can’t hurt to try it…

  2. I believe the Jab killed my mother with turbo cancer.

    Woman never had a sick day in her life.

    No cancer in November.

    Dead of a cancer in February that normally takes years to develop.

    Not the first, the last, or the only Jab victim by any means. Not even the only one I myself have had to deal with in one way or another.

    But they sure did make it personal to me with this one.

    God damn them.

    God damn them all to hell.

    And if ever I get the chance, I will help send them there personally.

    There isn’t enough hemp for all the nooses we need.

    So I guess we’ll just have to use whatever comes to hand whenever and however the opportunity presents itself.

    “Vengeance is mine” it is said is His statement on it.

    But they HAVE to pay here and now, to speed their trip there and limit their victims here.

    They HAVE to.

    And that’s all I can say about that.

  3. Well, we all know that the “ruling elites” were given saline injections on camera. They couldn’t afford to have anyone famous just suddenly keel over dead now could they? But in the case of Charles and Kate, were they slated for “removal” from the big club and given the mRNA death shot like so many other millions were given? And YES, colon cancer absolutely is raging in the under 50 category…but we can all only wonder why. NEVER FORGET, NEVER REGRET, NEVER FORGIVE.

  4. Round up all those in the government who claim the vaccine is safe. Tell them they’re getting the real McCoy, no placebos this time! Mystery should be solved in a few hours.

  5. “There might be an unknown environmental factor that we haven’t discovered, despite extensive research.”

    Jesus Christ. The knots these assholes tie themselves into rather than admit the obvious.

  6. I got the jab, for the sole purpose of attending a week-long scout summer camp. Which I drove 1,000 miles for, and which was canceled on day 1. Ugh.
    But I got the J&J jab, specifically because it was not mRNA. They said it had a risk of blood clotting, but it wasn’t all that high.
    I am certainly not getting any jab with mRNA at this point. Meanwhile, my mom continues to get all of hers, nothing I can do, and she has esophageal cancer. And my brother-in-law was nearly felled by a ‘widow-maker’ heart attack in late 2022, I am pretty sure he and my sister continue to get ‘boosters’.
    My other sister is all-natural, I am pretty sure that she never got it. Being careful about what you put in your body might lead to veganism, but it also might lead to not injecting stuff.

  7. Goldenfoxx – it pays to listen to the thousands of doctors, researchers, scientists, immunologists, virologists, etc. who were screaming from the rooftops too. Don’t make it sound like a “gut instinct” was ALL that kept us pureblood. I sure as hell didn’t hide my head in the sand and hope the voices in my head kept me safe. There were more than enough real voices risking their careers, professional licensure, etc. trying to keep us all safe.

  8. MrLiberty

    It pays to listen to your high school biology teacher. RNA and DNA are Gods building blocks. Don’t fuck with them. And in reality that’s was and is my inner voice.

  9. I can state with 100% confidence that they are currently working feverishly to back fill the “research” pointing to global warming as the cause. The conclusions are already written. You know I’m right.

  10. I’m a bit stupid but I never thought that Kate’s illness might have been Clot Shot Related.

    Unfortunately, I took 2 Hits of the shit because i needed to work for the wife & kids.

    The way I look at it, I know i jumped on a hand grenade but my kids didn’t go mental & become whack jobs like many new young fuck ups I hear about every day.

    FJT & Fuck the Frozen bank accounts of Canuckistan!

  11. A friend died yesterday of brain cancer that came on quick. He had an operation to remove the tumor so the medical behemoth got theirs. Another friend had a stroke and now has aphasia. Can’t get the words in his head out of his mouth.

    Both jabbed.

  12. Sorry to hear about your mother SNS.
    The jab killed my father too. Also never sick a day in his life.
    He came down with both pneumonia and myocarditis at the same time.
    I always thought I’d sue when the door opened but you have to have an autopsy or a doctor of the person who passed who is willing to say it was the shot.
    So there are going to be a lot of people who get nothing in the way of small compensation.
    Big pharma bas*****

  13. What we were discussing these years ago is coming to fruition at this time. Due to the slow and varied mortalities and morbidities and the heavy distractions set up and conducted by the ‘state’ we will not join and act in righteous vengeance. Gather, we will remain atomized and pour forth our individual impotent stories of woe.

    Fascia, a bundle of reeds wrapped stoutly with ribbon. Representative of a collective strength made of many weak individuals joined in common cause. A sample of the symbol can be seen on the American ten cent coin. We’ll talk about the axe head another time.

    That is what we are missing in this play of worldwide destruction by the ruling elite.

  14. Thank you, Beachmom, and sorry about your father. May the Lord touch you and your family with the peace and Blessed Assurance that he is indeed in a better place, and that uou will meet again in His good time and be joyously again together in His Holy light.

    We all have go in God’s time but as you know it’s much worse to think that cruel men robbed you of years you should have had together for their own enrichment.

    My mother’s death certificate says “Colon Mass”. They said they found a cancer in her colon that had already metastized into lungs, liver, and kidneys by the time they saw it, a month before it took her.

    After numerous doctors had looked at her, including cancer screens, in November when the Altzheimers forced her to the hospital.

    Either all those doctors – and she had a marching army of them, believe me – somehow missed an EXTREMELY advanced, slow-burn cancer that had spread everywhere, or something greatly accelerated a cancer that normally takes DECADES to develop into a couple of months.

    No autopsy or mass biopsy tho. The doctors wouldn’t do it, said she’s too old and the cancer too far advanced when caught for treatment. Sucked to be her, huh? My niece had MPA but I wasn’t about to tell her to torch my extremely weak and mostly demented at that point mother anyway with toxic chemicals that would do nothing but bring her hell on Earth at that point, so it didn’t really matter. The results of the Goverment poison were too advanced by then.

    It likely caused or accelerated her Altzheimers too, some studies say it does. Yes sue was old but she was still WORKING as an accountant and sat on several boards up until the Coof scare drove everyone home and she got multiple jabs because her doctors all said it was SaFe AnD eFfEcTiVe and a MUST for an elderly lady like her.

    You remember the lies. You and your father lived them, after all.

    …I would have liked an autopsy to have more information, but that would have absolutely been stomped by the other members of my family, the doctors would have refused anyway on age alone, and to be perfectly honest I wasn’t crazy about having my mother cut apart, dropped in glass jars, and then get to see her in a box later with full knowledge of the fact her head and chest were stuffed with used hospital linens and her Y tattoo with a rough baseball stich visible to me because I’d know where to look.

    Some things I thought were good to know about in my carefree days, I kinda wish I hadn’t attended to now.

    As the saying goes, it stops being funny when it starts being you.

    …an autopsy would have been pointless anyway. It would have been done in the same county as that of a 19 yo co-worker they killed that ended his last day at work early with me pumping his chest, and by the same Democrat DEI hire Coroner that lied kind of obviously on his death report, so much so it looked like two different people wrote it, so the truth wouldn’t have survived the politics even if I’d forced it.

    They’ve got it pretty well wrapped up. This is the culmination of a long con they’ve spent 60 years setting up, and give the devil his due, they took over anything that could have exposed the truth.

    So there will be no justice from the corrupt courts of men.

    As intended.

    What justice is done will have to come from the hand of the Lord or the hand of the fam.

    I am not, by nature and training, a violent man, but I do have a pretty good knowledge of basic anatomy and what things can be quickly deadly to people.

    That is a door that can swing both ways, and that’s all I’m going to say about that.

    Waiting upon the Lord is called for in His book.

    But they CONTINUE to kill, the young, the old, and everyone in between, for no reason other than to keep the lie going.

    And it would seem incumbent on every citizen to stop a murderer from murdering, even if that means sending the murderer quickly to His judgement by any means necessary.

    Just talking, though. I’m a comedian telling the blackest of jokes, I am.

    One that’s on us all.

    I am not OK. But time heals all wounds, it is said.

    And that healing comes truly from the Lord.

    But only in His good time…

  15. its the same as hurricanes. once they started tracking smaller hurricanes, the total number of hurricanes went through the roof.

    everyones got cancer to some degree. if you want to find it on someone, you will. dont let the health care complex kill you.

  16. See “Fall of the Cabal” (bit Chute or Rumble) Sequence Part 26 (about 30 min.), if you dare! I watched all 28 Parts of their Sequences to The original 10 Parts. Haven’t had a decent nights sleep since watching the Part 26 Sequence. Holy God!

    Will be losing my last childhood and Band buddy since 8th grade. Was always 225-pounds, Football frame, until age 77 when he got the Jab almost a year ago. Developed Turbo Cancer in the intestines. He is down to 108 pounds now and can no longer speak. Expected to leave us soon. The fake COVID Genocide is not yet over.

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