Thinking About Kathy Schaidle – (Five Feet of Fury) – IOTW Report

Thinking About Kathy Schaidle – (Five Feet of Fury)

My friend Kathy always maintained that The Who was the greatest rock band in history. Watching this makes a good case that she was right.

RIP Kathy

21 Comments on Thinking About Kathy Schaidle – (Five Feet of Fury)

  1. Well I’d call it a tie between the Who and Pink Floyd. I had no idea who she was until her death was reported here. When that happened I did some snooping around on her site. I don’t think she ever posted anything I took issue with. I couldn’t help imagining her as a hot little opinionated 20 year old. Our loss.

  2. Saw the Who and all I paid attention to was Keith moon on the drums. He could have done the concert solo and I would have been happy. He was a wild man. They were way too loud though for my liking.
    Also saw Pink Floyd and I would consider them one of my favorite concerts for the fact their sound people knew not be too damn loud.
    Both were at the Pontiac Silverdome which had lousy accoustics.

  3. I had the great pleasure of seeing them in Denver in 70s. Of all of the super performances I attended, gotta say BTO put on the most rocking concert ever.

    Getting old beats the alternative. I still work 2 full time gigs, hit the iron almost daily and enjoy down time with my gal. Of course gotta get that 8-10 hrs/night otherwise I’m fucked.

  4. The WHO is definitely a hell of band! The greatest, I’m not so sure. If you’re able to support a blog be sure to consider She had a strong presence there!

  5. 1969, Houston at Houfines Pavillion downtown. never forget it. Great show! they did an hour set of all their stuff and left. the crowd would have nothing of it. the crowd keep screaming Tommy, Tommy. after about 30 minutes the who returned and did Tommy, start to finish.

  6. Wow. Two of my favorites!

    Kathy Shaidle, the Canadian in the coal mine… An early blogger with ominous warnings of what those seemingly silly leftists were really up to… And then, when my family was dealing with a major health issue, I came across her book, “God Rides a Yamaha,” about her lupus diagnosis. Highly recommend it to anyone trying to faithfully/defiantly adjust to such. Smart, funny, cynical, faithful lady. She wrote her own obit and claimed her tombstone would be inscribed, “Get off my lawn.” Ha! I hope it was. Her hubby’s blog, is still my daily go to (after IOTW).

    Oh, and, I once had a second row seat at a Who concert. My ears rang for three days and I thought I might have done permanent damage… and that it was worth it.

  7. Keith Moon and John Entwhistle are regularly listed in the top ten of their respective instruments. I played bass in a garage band when I was in HS, the Ox and Felix Pappalardi were my heroes.

  8. The greatest band was The Beatles. You could argue whether they were fusion pop/rock. But if it’s rock-
    1. Led Zeppelin
    2. The Rolling Stones
    3. The Who
    4. Credence Clearwater Revival
    5. The Doors

  9. her blog ws goo; Im conservative.


    Say What?

    Before you were born I was earning $ for college by doing ,”JOBS AMERICANS WONT DO! *&?!@#$%!” ( at the time we said “worn the fields”> 68 years ago.

    Am I not right

  10. I thought it was funny that John Entwhistle calmly stood their, playing the bass while Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend pranced all around the stage. I noticed he was really busy with his hand and fingers all over that guitar neck…much more complex bass than most songs.

  11. I read once a long time ago that The Who consisted of a lead singer, a lead guitarist, a lead bass, and a lead drummer. Pretty accurate. They were one of a kind groundbreakers.

  12. Kathy was a special lady who allowed me to develop a fun and enjoyable correspondence with her. When I almost had a job offer in Toronto she was candid and enthusiastic about my prospects there. Her husband “Blazing Cat Fur” was also a great blogger and a gentlemen and just as courageous as she was in their political and conservative life choices. Her ironic and quick humor and writing style caught the attention of Mark Steyn and they had a great collaboration for a while before she passed away. Whether she promoted the Who or Led Zepelin was just an enjoyable cerebral pursuit just as her fabulous insight into classic movies was always an eye- opener. Thanks BFH for the reminder of the passing of a great lady.


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