(Oh-oh, Here She Comes)Watch Out, Boy, She’ll Chew You Up – IOTW Report

(Oh-oh, Here She Comes)Watch Out, Boy, She’ll Chew You Up

35 Comments on (Oh-oh, Here She Comes)Watch Out, Boy, She’ll Chew You Up

  1. Sorry sicko, if indeed you have a surgically created opening where you once had a penis and testicles (which I seriously doubt you do), that’s all it is – a surgically created opening or maybe even a cavity. But it AINT a vagina.

  2. With the right hormone therapy, gene therapy, surgery, and the right post-surgical care, you too can be a cut-up mess that looks like something from a science fiction movie.

  3. Shouldn’t the “healthcare system” be counseling these people for euthanasia? Seems that either they grow out of it (80%) or go on to suicide. Why the squandered $$$$ in between? Oh, right $$$$. /sarc=OFF/

  4. I cannot fathom the logic that drives this insanity. No guy would want a he-woman – even post surgery. The gay guys (I would assume) want men parts to play with not lady parts. Perhaps this is why the suicide rate is so high for these freaks of nature?

  5. Why not just cut a hole into your armpit? It would be more accessible, visual and efficient (and hairy) and work better than where you now have it! Also, you wouldn’t have to squat to pee!

  6. Pictures or it didn’t happen.

    Not that I wanna see them. Call this thing out.

    He didn’t do it. Don’t believe him.

    And if he did, it’s too friggin disgusting to photo.

    The “carpet” matches the face.

    Good luck with that. Freak.

    Why are people so proud to announce to the world they mutilated themselves? It’s gross.

    Speaking of which, tomorrow isn’t Easter. It’s now transexual day of visibility. Joetato said so.

    So get out there and be visible with your mutilated selves. Flap those fake meat curtains in the visible breeze. It needs to air out, the stink accumulates.

  7. I could give a shit less what these deranged mxther fxckers do to themselves as long as I’m not paying for it. But unfortunately we are. The only good thing about this insanity is they can’t reproduce.

  8. @ecp
    I’ve always thought that if the potential transitioners are required to view images of post-surgery “genitalia”-both successful (?) and unsuccessful (!!)-prior to going under the knife, then the rate of surgeries would definitely fall.

  9. Now listen up partners,there are 2 kinds.1 is just some flappy skin and the other is about 3″ deep. Saddle up boys and say Yippe Kuyay and away !!!!

  10. You have a surgically inflicted wound you will never stop inflicting damage on to prevent it trying to heal. It will be a never ending source of problems. You just doubled your already evevated chances of suicide. But be sure to air it all out on social media for the attention you so desperately desire. May you attain what you desire.

  11. Reminds me of the guy at work that had the maybe 20 years ago of so. Homely as sin, 6 feet tall, bowlegged and knobby knees, size 13 feet and a HUGE Adams apple. He didn’t fool anyone, but he sure thought he was hawt stuff though, wearing hot pants, miniskirts, halter tops etc. HR finally pulled him aside and told him he had to follow dress codes.

  12. Pray for this fool.
    He has allowed Satan into his heart and brought about his own genetic annihilation.
    His unique code ends when he offs himself upon the realization that he’s been played.

    May God have mercy on his soul.
    (I trust the Good Lord accounts for mental illnesses)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Jesus wept. I’ve taken care of cancer patients who’ve had to have radical surgery to their perianal area. Prostate, testicular, vulva, cervical, rectal. These are devastating surgeries that I wouldn’t wish on someone I hated. All in a desperate effort to buy a little more time with their loved ones.

    This moron claims to have done essentially the same thing.


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