The third incident in 7 days – IOTW Report

The third incident in 7 days

Revolver: Something odd is going down with America’s bridges. From an outsider’s perspective, it’s hard not to wonder if there’s a deliberate attempt to target our bridges, or if we’ve just hit a peak in incompetence thanks to the “DEI” mindset, or maybe our infrastructure is just falling apart right in front of us.

We’ve been keeping tabs on the sorry state of America’s infrastructure for years. more

17 Comments on The third incident in 7 days

  1. Then watch a 1 hour-ish Video on Y-tube by Yuri Bezmenov.

    There are a few versions but stick it out and Modern SHIT Universities make 100% sense

  2. Then study Scripture.

    What’s happening is indeed frightening at some level.

    But it’s all spelled out by those who (God-inspired)wrote the Holy Bible.

    HE is in control. This is all part of His plan. We don’t have to like it(I don’t), but we need to steel ourselves for what is to come.

    PRAY, brothers and sisters…

  3. Big shit used to be taken out with tugs. Insurance, if nothing else.

    River running is kind of lost on sea-going Pilots. And sea-going can be lost on river Pilots.

    I had my motor launch many years ago. A heavy, wood cuddy. A 302 Ford.

    Running tides can be a bit hair raising. When the tide is going out against your bow, of course your tiller becomes quick, as in alive.

    When the tide is going abeam you are making way by quarters… and when abaft you tiller is quite slow, or even dead. You have to make way to steer.

    I’m not sure what I’m try to tell you. River steering can get pretty bad.

    If you hit a fucking bridge you have less knowing than me. I only lost my Bell Atlantic ball cap on the Potomac.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is I could have Piloted the fucking thing better than that.

  4. While Biden was out trying to blow up the Kerch Bridge, this all happened.

    And speaking of NordStream, I wonder if we learned any lessons from the Colonial pipeline hack in 2021. Probably not.

    But getting back to the bridges…If any of this bridge stuff is intentional, I’d be keeping a close eye on our LNG ports.

  5. The Bezmenov angle’s a good one. Demoralization, so what if I hit the bridge a little… or let that fire go, or don’t clean up that shit so no one gets sick, or (corporate) don’t spend the money yo maintain the rail… and on and on. Couple that with reduced standards so coloreds can participate and mandated hiring of various kinds of special types of retards and mental cases in addition to the slowcoach coloreds and what does one expect?


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