Smart People Listened to the Entire Clip – That Leaves the Dumb People With TDS – IOTW Report

Smart People Listened to the Entire Clip – That Leaves the Dumb People With TDS

6 Comments on Smart People Listened to the Entire Clip – That Leaves the Dumb People With TDS

  1. Pretty fundamemtal: the difference between man and the other animals is the knowledge of right and wrong.

    Therefore, even overlooking the wrong of illegal immigration, these killers and assailants are animals. And should be dispatched as you would any viscious animal.

    A proactive action would be to dispatch the enablers of these animals.

  2. I always thought Wolfey Blitzkrieg was one of the dumber propaganda pitchers on the tube, but he’s not being dumb here. It’s intentional. And he’s been doing it for over 7 years now.


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