Murdered By an Illegal, Victim’s Sister Lashes Out at Trump For Stigmatizing Illegals – IOTW Report

Murdered By an Illegal, Victim’s Sister Lashes Out at Trump For Stigmatizing Illegals


  • Mavi Garcia said she was angry about her sister’s death being politicized by Trump and others. “It’s always been about illegal immigrants,” she said. “Nobody really speaks about when Americans do heinous crimes, and it’s kind of shocking why he would just bring up illegals. What about Americans who do heinous crimes like that?”
  • Ruby Garcia, 25, was killed on March 22. WOOD-TV reports that court records show that Brandon Ortiz-Vite, a 25-year-old Mexican citizen who was in the country illegally, admitted killing her after an argument and dumping her body along a highway. Police say Garcia and Ortiz-Vite were romantically involved, although her sister says things hadn’t reached that stage.
  • Ortiz-Vite, who is facing charges including felony murder, first came to the US illegally as a child. According to immigration records, his DACA status expired in May 2019, NBC News reports. He was arrested on drunken driving charges in August 2020 and was deported the following month.
  • In his speech Tuesday, Trump said his administration thew Ortiz-Vite “out of the country and crooked Joe Biden took him back and let him back in and let him stay in and he viciously killed Ruby,” the AP reports. Immigration officials, however, say the suspect returned to the US at an “unknown date and location,” meaning he could have entered during the final months of the Trump administration.


23 Comments on Murdered By an Illegal, Victim’s Sister Lashes Out at Trump For Stigmatizing Illegals

  1. Truth be told, Mavi Garcia, her dead sister, and the killer boy friend were all part of a Hispanic band of cowardly killers. “La Familia”. Right. Bottom line they just should have all remained in Mexico. My wallet would be happier.

  2. joe6pak

    Unfortunately I know that culture. Anything brown is good. Even if it kills your sister. Now if it were a black guy, or heaven forbid a white guy, LFO.
    I have many boring stories.

  3. Illegal equates to criminal. Their viewpoint is moot. Ship their sorry asses back to where they came from. Turn off any federal and state benefits and these leaches will go home.

  4. “Turn off any federal and state benefits and these leaches will go home.”

    No they won’t. They will kill you and your family just to eat your food and sleep in your bed. That’s what’s coming. Think I’m wrong? I guess we’ll find out.

  5. How brain dead is she, this dead.
    “Nobody really speaks about when Americans do heinous crimes, and it’s kind of shocking why he would just bring up illegals. What about Americans who do heinous crimes like that?”
    Got to one of the most obtuse statements ever made.

  6. You’d think she’d be happy anyone was talking about the fact that if that killer hadn’t been in this country illegally her sister would probably be alive and well right now.
    Something isn’t right there.
    And I don’t mean just in her mind.
    Why is she so mad about illegals being called illegal?
    There’s a reason she isn’t telling.

  7. We bring up illegals because illegals should not be here to kill anyone. People are so damn stupid.
    Just like what they’re doing to that poor old man in Arizona. For one someone comes on your property carrying a rifle legally you should be able to shoot them on the spot. For two an illegal comes on your property you should legally be able to shoot them on the spot. For three they can’t even prove he did shoot the illegal.

  8. “Nobody really speaks about when Americans do heinous crimes, and it’s kind of shocking why he would just bring up illegals. What about Americans who do heinous crimes like that?”

    Well, Mavis, you’d have to ask our media and Democrat pols about that. You see, there is a certain segment of the American population which commits a hugely disproportionate number of those “heinous crimes”, and the people for whom you vote would rather you not know about them or their crimes. I will leave it to you to figure out who these criminals are, but I think you already know.

    But you keep voting left, being used, listening to lies and hating those who dare to speak the truth. You will continue to be shocked and angry at the “unexpected” things which happen. Trump is not your enemy. You are your own worst enemy.

  9. “Nobody really speaks about when Americans do heinous crimes…

    Horseshit. If it’s a straight while male citizen they make damn sure it’s 24/7 for as long as it takes to whip up a protest. Even if they have to pretend it’s a straight, white male citizen.

  10. That logical fallacy defense of illegal aliens claim that crimes already happen in the U.S. is absolute irrefutable proof the person saying it is a democrat detached from reality.

  11. BHO made me Rascist in my state we have stand your ground laws as well as many private property laws, you come on my property with a rifle and I don’t know who the hell you are and especially if you point that rifle at me, I am in my rights to blow your ass away.

    Border states should make it legal if it’s not. I do believe though that entire county in Arizona is as corrupt as hell.

  12. ^ Too much energy and too expensive. Instead, dig a very large, deep pit for such offenders, stand the offender of the edge of the pit, then musket to the junk. Cheap, fast efficient.


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