India will enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who run away there: Defence Minister – IOTW Report

India will enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who run away there: Defence Minister

NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India will enter Pakistan to kill anyone who escapes over the border after trying to carry out terrorist activities in the country, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh told broadcaster CNN News18 on Friday.

The minister’s comments come a day after Britain’s Guardian newspaper published a report stating the Indian government had killed about 20 people in Pakistan since 2020 as part of a broader plan to eliminate terrorists residing on foreign soil. more

10 Comments on India will enter Pakistan to kill terrorists who run away there: Defence Minister

  1. “Oh My God”, in my best Paki accent. And I do a good impression if I do say so myself. Got it from working with Paki Engineers. I hope they got them at a discount.

  2. While I fully support the extermination of terrorists, I’m not sure I really trust India to adequately qualify what they mean by “terrorist” and to whom that label might apply, and in any case, I’m sure an armed border violation with Pakistan will go over like a lead balloon.

  3. All it took was 1 Stolen Election, A Weak Jackass Resident, a Pathetic pull out from Afghanistan, and every Asshole with an Army starts Swinging their Hogs around with impunity.


  4. By the way,

    the US should have been on INDIA’s side a long time ago instead of backing Pakistan many many times.

    India is a natural enemy of ChYnA, are Hindu, and can manufacture, and then there is the whole Bin Laden thingy. M*therf#ck@rs


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