Man Finally Gets His Life Back After Another Assumes His Identity – IOTW Report

Man Finally Gets His Life Back After Another Assumes His Identity

Off the Press

William Woods was homeless and living in Los Angeles when he learned that someone was racking up debt using his name.

But when he reported his concerns to the branch manager of a bank, he wound up spending nearly two years locked up, accused of identity theft himself. As he continued to insist he was Woods in a desperate effort to clear his name, he was even sent to a state mental hospital and drugged, court records show.

Finally this week, a former high-level Iowa hospital IT worker who had assumed Woods’ identity for decades pleaded guilty to two federal charges. More

7 Comments on Man Finally Gets His Life Back After Another Assumes His Identity

  1. I dated a gal for 4 years and I thought we were going to go somewhere. I liked her a bunch, but she seemed to be holding back something. I found out that she was comparing me with some other guy and I slow walked away. About 4 months later I got a call from Holly’s Mom to go check on her because she seemed somewhat suicidal. I hesitantly went over…..Holly was sobbing and went on about how this other guy had assumed his brothers identity (he was a felon and his brother was a successful car salesman) and she was completely fooled. She then went on about how much I meant to her…..I said some “things” and walked out with a smile on my face….Never stick your dick in crazy that is laced with Prosac and Xanax no matter how good they look nekked….

  2. “…good father, kind and trustworthy.”

    Good fathers should be virtuous role models. Keirans was not a good father. Kind people don’t put someone else through hell through deliberate damage and vindictive attempts to have the govt cage him up as a mentally ill criminal. Keirans did that.

    And as for trustworthy? Keirans didn’t have one trustworthy molecule in his body.

  3. I got a “Body Snatcher” vibe off of this story.

    The culprit seemed intent on assuming this guy’s identity while also running up debt he was never going to pay back. There must have been some kind of thrill getting away with this for so long.

  4. Proof that evil walks in the shoes of people at all levels of humanity. From the dregs that lurk on the streets at night to those in the highest levels of power all over the world, including someone you could be working with right now who you think is a “friend”.

  5. The “family” of these people who commit such terrible crimes who say they’re nice and only trying to have a nice family should be dope slapped up the back of the head.
    I hope the real Woods sues the crap out of the bank and the police department and the hospitals.

  6. If there was any real justice in this country, part of Kieran’s sentence would be that Woods had the right to kick him in the balls 10 times as hard as he wanted and with any footwear he wanted. What an evil, selfish mthrfkr Kieran was to do that to someone.

    And it just goes to show you how fucked up California is when it has bonafide dangerous lunatics on half the street corners that it’s Woods that they put into a mental institution. Psychiatrists and psychologists are worthless frauds.

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