Blinken Receives Stern Warning From Azerbaijan To Stop Destabilizing The Caucasus – IOTW Report

Blinken Receives Stern Warning From Azerbaijan To Stop Destabilizing The Caucasus

The Balkan:
The Biden Administration is continuing it efforts to provoke conflicts around the world in a desperate effort to salvage its disastrous foreign policy. This time the target is the Caucasus. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken received a stern warning from the President of Azerbaijan to stop trying to undermine the security of the region.

The U.S. is scheduled to participate in a trilateral meeting on April 5, alongside representatives of the EU, with Armenian officials, sparking concern in Azerbaijan. In a call with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Blinken claimed that the main focus of the meeting would be economic development, but the real purpose seems to be providing armaments to Armenia. more

7 Comments on Blinken Receives Stern Warning From Azerbaijan To Stop Destabilizing The Caucasus

  1. Also further proof they are beholden to military contractors, want one world govt and see themselves as the ones to run it and they don’t even think about how many people they’re getting killed for things that are none of our business.

  2. 🎵 🎶
    Blinken, Blinken, I’ve been thinkin’
    What a great world this would be
    If all the fuck ups would please shut up
    Run and jump into the sea!

  3. IOW, they’re onto you, CIA, and your worn-out Color Revolution bullshit. You want to Regime Change Russia, do it yourself. Ditto for your Iran skulduggery. Stop trying to get Baluchistan to do your dirty Regime Change work.

    The Global South is aware of how weak and desperate the West is becoming, and they’re seeing that we can’t back up our “rules-based” meddling with actual force. It’s not a good look, and it’s going to get us bitten in the ass. Pull back and take stock, fools.

  4. Except Azerbaijan is the one destabilizing the caucus.
    Blinken and the entire Joe Biden admin’s weakness enabled that. He is a POS working for a POS weak Joe Biden.
    Trump warned Azerbaijan and brokered a peace deal in their warmongering against Armenia. Only for Azerbaijan to take advantage of the distracted Trump in the elections in 2020 and then completed their genocidal war by forcing over 120,000 ethnic Armenians, who are the decedents of Armenian majority population living on a historic Armenian land to run for their lives, leaving everything behind in fear of being slaughtered, while Joe Biden and Blinken stood watching.
    Joe Biden’s admin still failed to block arms and military aid to Azerbaijan despite being told that it is being used to murder unarmed Armenians in the “disputed” area.


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