Biden Administration Is Provoking War In Bosnia – IOTW Report

Biden Administration Is Provoking War In Bosnia

The Balkan: Already embroiled in conflicts around the world, the Biden Administration is working to provoke yet another senseless war, this time in Bosnia. By threatening to arrest the duly elected leader of the Serbian people living in Republika Srpska, the globalists running the Biden Administration’s foreign policy in the Balkans are actively seeking to undermine the fragile peace in the region in their misguided efforts to create a multi-ethnic state. more

14 Comments on Biden Administration Is Provoking War In Bosnia

  1. Wait… I thought Serbians helped fraud Biden into power. Figuring out this regime change stuff is hurting my brain. Ir maybe the Russian mind-rays are doing that. Anyway, it’s obviously not hurting Biden’s calcified brain. And I’m sure Tony Blinken has it all under control. Right?

  2. …when I first started packing food for military adventures professionally, my introduction to the concept of “contract add-on” was for US support of Bosnia in 1995.

    Now here we are, just shy of 30 years later, and here’s another Democrat president climing into gory Balkan peasant feuds as a distraction from the mess he’s made elsewhere.

    Nice to know some things never change.

    But it’s just the devil repeating again, because that’s what the devil does. He’s even using the same players, just moved the name tags around onto different doors.

    …oh well, maybe will get another add-on out of it.

    Too bad they’ve spent the last three years destroying all our suppliers though this time around, glad I’m not responsible for procurement…

  3. “He’s even using the same players, just moved the name tags around onto different doors.”

    SNS, here’s hoping that the sniper fire gets Hillary this time.

  4. @Geoff: Besides WWI, WWII was started, at least partially, by not resolving WWI adequately. German dissatisfaction led to the rise of the NAZI party, which gave us Hitler.

  5. Before WWI, some Yurp leader called the Balkans “Europe’s Powder Keg”. Still is, it seems. Just needs one match to potentially enflame the world in senseless bloodletting.

    For chuckles, we can at least hope the Balkans produce a Dicktater named Slobodian Milosovic like last time.


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