Most Overrated Band of All-Time – IOTW Report

Most Overrated Band of All-Time

I don’t think it’s The Beatles, considering their vast influence.

The problem is that when determining who is overrated, you calculate the praise they get. That is their rating. You’re just objecting to the fact that people like someone you don’t like.

I think the overrated band would be a critic’s darling but not be so beloved by the people. I will swallow my aesthetic and nominate a band I love – Radiohead. I can’t fathom anyone not liking them, and critics seem to love them. But they are not that widely loved by mainstream audiences.

56 Comments on Most Overrated Band of All-Time

  1. The Beatles aren’t over-rated because people loved them but for their childish lyrics and melodies. Which by the way most have been turned into lullabies for babies.

  2. PHenry, went to see REO at our small town arena. They sounded horrible. When they didn’t receive the applause they thought they deserved they berated the audience.
    Went downhill fast from there.

  3. After giving it some thought, giving deference to the already mentioned;
    1 Depeche Mode
    2 Rage Against the Machine
    3 Midnight Oil
    4 The Smashing Pumpkins
    5 Crosby Stills Nash & Young etc..

  4. A differentiation needs to be made between the vast popularity of a band you think sucks and bands whose popularity is bolstered by some vague notion of what’s hip.

    Cases in point; Prince, Springsteen, U-2, Michael Bolton, Madonna, even Taylor Swift to a degree, I would submit their popularity is inextricably linked to some level of virtue signaling. Essentially that you are cool because you like what most other people think is cool, whether you like it or not.

  5. Anything rap.


    Promoted only as an early experiment in DEI, nothing more.

    But somehow became the only “authentic” Black lifestyle soundtrack…

  6. Now that people can listen to almost all songs recorded by someone due to streaming services and you can go thru all their albums here are some I thought didn’t impress. Bowie, Prince, Elton John.

  7. The Beatles “I Saw Her Standing There”, is a great rock song, IMO, as well as several others they did. So they would not get my vote as the worst. They were very creative and worked well together for 10 years or so.

    My vote for worst includes the Manfred Mann Earth Band, the Bruce Springsteen E Street Band, and the Eurythmics. The latter, for example, had a “hit” called “Sweet Dreams”, with a very irritating Tuba sound in the background. Mann’s Earth Band also has an irritating organ background in
    “Blinded by the Light”. As for Springsteen, just listen to “Born in The USA” if you want to get bored to death by the same lyric over and over again sung by a lousy singer.

  8. “Bunch of guys crying like queers. Maybe they were queer.”
    There were anything but queer.
    Try to do some research.
    You don’t like them, that’s OK, you are entitled to your opinion.
    Others see the real music the real work they had. They were never “crying”, and most of their songs had meaning if you bothered to listen to them. Unlike today’s “music” which is the actual crying, when they are not throwing swear words, threatening their parents or bragging about being criminals.

  9. “I didn’t see Beach Boys mentioned. I hate their music.”

    I bet you like the Beatles though. I don’t care much for them.
    But both bands revolutionized modern music.

    That’s the problem with surveys like this. I don’t know jack about music. I just like what sounds good to me. Probably like most people.
    For me, U2 and Green Day suck.

  10. Rod Stewart. His own band plus any band he sang for (except maybe Jeff Beck). Anybody who can listen to Maggie May for more than 20 seconds ought to stop listening to music and go live in a cave. Deep in a cave.

  11. I think you have to extend it all the way back to Bach and Roll, in which case it would have to be Beethoven. Although he did have that one song, you know, duh duh duh dahhh.

  12. Dont know if they’re overrated .. but I hate the Eagles, man.

    And I have Jeff Lebowski and his courageous and principled stand to thank for giving me the courage to voice my own utter disdain

  13. @callmelennie

    Yep…the Eagles.

    They had fine musicians and some good tunes. I got turned off by their hi-falutin’ lyrics.

    Like: “A girl drives by…slowing down to take a look at me”. Maybe she was looking for a gas station with a clean rest-room.


    “City girls seem to find out early how to open doors with just a smile”. Really. And country girls don’t?


    “I found out a long time ago what a woman can do to your soul”. A bunch of twenty-something musicians knew that? Tell me, because I’m not sure I know after 7 decades.

    the Eagles didn’t do it for me.

  14. I kind of want to say Led Zeppelin but that’s only because as a teenager and young adult in the 70’s I couldn’t go to a party or someones house without their albums playing. I just plain got sick of them.

  15. Im from AZ and I know where Winslow, AZ is located. Its on I-40, and there is actually a statue of a man standing on a street corner in Winslow. So thats the one thing thats cool about the Eagle

    I love the scene where the Dude, after having one of the shittiest days of his life, whines about the f**k*ng Eagles playing on the radio with a BLACK cab driver and gets kicked out of a cab. That is the ultimate non sequitur in a movie thats nothing but non sequiturs

  16. @Diff Tim

    I was a senior in high school where “Stairway to Boredom” was released. That must be the most overplayed song of all time. It got so everyone hated that song simply because the pop culture was beating you senseless with the message, “this is the greatest thing EVER” They wouldn’t stop playing it.

    Most of the band was great but I couldnt abide that fruity little Robert Plant

  17. Callmelennie, they only stopped playing that because Lynyrd Skynyd’s Free Bird caught their ear. I still will shut off the radio or change the station when those songs play.

  18. I hate these lists because people just list bands they don’t particularly like, but in most cases, are very talented musicians/songwriters. I’m not a Journey fan, but I have to give them their props, they were a very talented band and I wouldn’t call them over-rated.

    Anyone who says the Beatles are overrated does not comprehend how innovative they were.


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