Sternly Written – IOTW Report

Sternly Written

Garland Gets a Final Warning to Comply with Biden Audio Subpoena or Face Contempt.

10 Comments on Sternly Written

  1. “And this time we really really really really really really mean it!… No jokin’ around this time!… Not like all those other times! So you best be quakin’ in yer boots mister!”

    – Feckless D-bag GOP who won’t do shit

  2. Among his other sins, he may have the worst shaped schnozz of
    any politician in US political history.

    Looks to me like someone took a pair of pliers and twisted it back and forth, this way and that way. Or, maybe the doctor dropped him face first on the floor right after he popped out. He would look a lot better if he wore one of those Groucho Marx type Eyeglass, Nose, and Mustache things.

    He makes Bill Maher’s nose look normal.

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