Leftist Climate Protesters Thrown Off Stage in a Heap – IOTW Report

Leftist Climate Protesters Thrown Off Stage in a Heap

Activists with the leftist group Climate Defiance were thrown off the stage in a tumbled heap while disrupting an event honoring Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. There are no reports of arrests or injuries.

14 Comments on Leftist Climate Protesters Thrown Off Stage in a Heap

  1. A pox on both their houses!
    Much as I despise Murkowski, I probably despise these climate imbeciles more.
    Rabid, vile, zealous, and ignorant is a dangerous combination.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. How did they arrive and get home?
    Have they turned off the gas and electricity in Mommy and Daddy’s house where they live yet?
    So easy even a Cave Man could do it!

  3. The bastards… Murkowski and the climate jerk offs… deserve one another. Both are phony as a Clinton era three dollar bill.

    They ought to send someone out for some wine and a big cookie and do what comes naturally.

  4. Biden may have made a mistake jacking up the price of cars and gas, trying to jam electric cars down our throats. Americans looove their cars – it’s freedom of movement.

    Maybe we’ll finally get a real debate about global warming, now that people are seeing the actual hurt.

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