Have We Reached Peak Absurdity Yet? Climate Change is the Cause of……. – IOTW Report

Have We Reached Peak Absurdity Yet? Climate Change is the Cause of…….


Being dehydrated due to low fluid intake leads to more concentrated urine, which can result in a saturation of minerals which ultimately form kidney stones.

‘As the world becomes warmer through climate change, that is expected to increase the number of stones,’ Dr Tasian said.

Kidney stones are caused by waste products in the blood forming crystals. Over time, crystals build up to form a hard stone-like lump. 

Once a kidney stone has formed, the body will try to pass it naturally through urine. Most are small enough to do so and can be managed at home.

25 Comments on Have We Reached Peak Absurdity Yet? Climate Change is the Cause of…….

  1. Or… how you know that “Global Warming” is a preposterous hoax cuz it gets blamed for anything! Like Goebels said about Propaganda: “The bigger the lie, the better. The more preposterous the lie the better”

    Wanna bet that Liberals will start naming their Global Warming kidney stones like Global Warming hurricanes?

  2. Climate change is the perfect excuse for taking more taxpayer money because it cannot be proved either way. They think giving more money to third world shithole countries is going to have some effect on the weather? Meanwhile, a fat socialist is laughing his butt off in a mansion in Tennessee at all the rubes that he fleeced for hundreds of millions of dollars

  3. Checkout land tabloid headlines:

    — “My Baby has Two Heads Because of Climate Change”
    — Climate Change Driving Growth in Concealed Carry Licenses
    — Class Action Suit Says Lego Petro Use Causing Climate Change
    — School Lunches Thrown in Trash Due to Climage Change

  4. 100% of scientists agree, with whoever gives them funding.
    All kind of ridiculous thing get funding so long as it include “climate change”.
    The mating habits of cockroaches, effected by “climate change”.
    How about,
    The stupidity of the the population, when it comes to “climate change”.
    Follow the science doesn’t work, follow the money and it all fits.

  5. Thirdtwin needs a “Reader Participation Area.” 🙂

    Climate change: is there anything it can’t do?

    1. It can’t fix stooopid.
    2. See #1.
    3. _____________________. <— Reader Participation Area

  6. I don’t normally wish UTI’s or kidney stones on anyone but in the case of foolish, dumbass globull warming hoaxers I just might wish it. Or maybe a really bad case of the clap. It’s like the bit of graffiti I saw once saw on a truck stop wall that said, piss quick crabs swim upstream.

  7. No doubt climate change is just natures way to help flush sapiens off the earth. Stop messing with it so other peaceful critters can be safe. Evolution has it’s own methods of eradication of occasional bad mistakes.

  8. Politicians and Charlatans (redundant) can justify ANYTHING with the magic wand of “Global Warming”!
    Say abra cad… wait-a-holdit… Say Bye to your tax dollars!!

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