If the “F in Possibility” Confounded You… – IOTW Report

If the “F in Possibility” Confounded You…

Try this-

28 Comments on If the “F in Possibility” Confounded You…

  1. That picture didn’t load the first time I opened it. It wouldn’t have mattered I didn’t see much Star Trek, I could have gone a long time without guessing/knowing that one. However, know that I’ve seen an explanation it makes more sense than the shirt.

  2. “Who gives a shit what loco has to say?”

    LOL. He’s like the rain bird sprinkler of bull shit. Long day for me. I figured I’d ask the idiot a logical question and sure enough got the usual bull shit reply. I’m assuming he’s drunk again, soaking in the tub, farting and biting at the bubbles.
    Good night Patriots.

  3. Loco continues to try and gain a stroke by switching hand. Tuff to do when that strokes only 3/4 of an inch.
    Here’s my bet. I’ll wager Loco has never seen a naked women he didn’t give money to. I’m totally serious. Who in the hell want’s to hang out with some one that obnoxious.

  4. Brad, seriously dude, just stop.
    You are embarrassing yourself.
    The only thing we can expect from you at this point is your typical misspellings, bad grammar and malapropisms.

    Face the facts, EVERYONE got my references but you.
    E V E R Y O N E
    Hell, even anon got them but he just wants to stir shit.

    Honestly Brad, TAKE THE L!
    Sincerely, a friend…


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