Judge Aileen Cannon just delivered Jack Smith his worst news yet – IOTW Report

Judge Aileen Cannon just delivered Jack Smith his worst news yet

George has the deets.

11 Comments on Judge Aileen Cannon just delivered Jack Smith his worst news yet

  1. Jack Ass Smith slit his own throat. He’s an idiot. That’s why he works for the feds. He lacked the mental power to work in private practice. Give an idiot enough rope—–. When the prosecutions (the opposing party) admits they tampered with evidence, what should happen?

  2. That no good, TRAITOROUS BASTARD, and his co-conspirators in the DOJ need to be prosecuted for this outrageous attack on President Trump! It’s a good thing the POS John Roberts isn’t presiding on this case.

  3. Brilliant on the part of Don’s attorneys to file 8 motions to dismiss, all of which have to be rebutted by Smith, and considered by the judge. Delay until after January inauguration.

  4. Jack Smith’s persecution of President Trump should not go unpunished.
    Smith is a vile piece of shit who has violated his oath of office for partisan political reasons and should (must) suffer the consequences.
    He has completely undermined the concept of “justice” by his persecutions and done great damage to the Republic (with malice aforethought) which is TREASON.

    When we reestablish an honorable DOJ, they should start with disbarment and end at the gibbet.
    Leave his stinking carcass to the crows.
    Satan’s bill is enormous – but, apparently, the “left” is willing to pay.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Judge Cannon is the only player in this horrible charade who doesn’t have a vendetta to destroy Donald Trump. She sticks to written law and that’s why they despise her.

  6. My high school history teacher had a favorite line . . . . “TOUGH! It’s a CRUEL WORLD we live in! You get NOTHING, for NOTHING!!” So take a long walk off of a short pier Jack!


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